No, I can’t force people to spend their money is a reasonable or responsible way, but I can and will continue to call them selfish assholes for wasting their money in such a way.
No, I can’t force people to spend their money is a reasonable or responsible way, but I can and will continue to call them selfish assholes for wasting their money in such a way.
I’m a full-time shelter worker*, donate my “extra” cash to four different charities (ASPCA, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, The Wild Animal Sanctuary) on a monthly basis, and frequently use my own money to buy supplies for my job that I am not able to be reimbursed for, and have three…
If anyone is wondering, that money could have saved AT LEAST two hundred shelter dogs.
100,000 dollars wasted. That money they could have helped thousands of animals. May look like your dog but that ain't your dog.
I miss my first dog of 14 years Max every single day, but even if I had the funds, I would never think of doing this. Not when there are countless other dogs that could use a good home and a loving soul (which this couple clearly has) to care for each other. But really, good for them.
I work for Planned Parenthood of the Great NW and Hawaiian Islands. Stories such as this one, validate the work I do every day. Makes strolling past the protesters on abortion day, spitting their vitriol absolutely worth it 100 times over. Thank you for this. Thank you so very much.
I super appreciate her correction: there is no right or wrong way to feel about an abortion. I am extremely pro-choice, don’t regret my abortion, and am pretty sick of the “hardest choice of all” narrative. But in all this politicking women still need to be able to feel however they feel, and most importantly, know…
I’ve used the tactic of shutting down the pro-lifers in my IRL life who start opining about abortion, and how it destroys women’s psyches, etc with “I had an abortion. Actually, I’ve had more than one.”
“She wasn’t even a Christian until four years ago,” he says.