
We did vote. The majority of voters didn’t want him.

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

Now playing

This is the authoritative guide to racial slurs against white people, by Richard Pryor.

My racist uncle posted on Facebook “I think calling someone a ‘racist’ is way more offensive than anything Trump has ever said.”

Sarah Palin belongs on this list. She was a key figure in the 8-year long strategy of riling up every stupid white redneck and getting them angry at all teh libruls for no valid reason.

Women had absolutely no excuse to vote for noted pussygrabber Donald Trump

I pity stupid people. I hate willfully ignorant people.

Yeah, that is my beef with these people. At least if somebody is adamantly pro-life, I get WHY they voted for Trump and Pence. I can disagree strongly, but I can at least get why they went how they did. This is just an epic level of ignorance. Even if you watched a single debate, you knew that the GOP was hostile to

This is what I don’t understand about these sudden revelations that Trump and Pence would push these things. Trump and Pence flipped on or were cagey about several things but repealing the ACA and ending reproductive freedom WERE NOT AMONG THEM. I get if someone just didn’t care about these topics, but some of these

I feel guilty, but when I hear about states like Texas losing their abortion coverage a part of me is just like you know what, good.

Literally every Trump voter:

I’ve read articles where people voted for Trump and are now shocked that he’s probably going to be going after THEIR benefits. People do this all the time. Somehow, when they receive benefits or entitlements, it’s worth it. And somehow when other people receive the same, they’re freeloading. And somehow when someone

Like, say, the Russian Hack? What horror show are we living in that that ISN’T front page news? Even St. Reagan was brought down by Iran-Contra, how is this happening?

Feel free to substitute the words “evil” or “selfish” for stupid as well.

I’ve said it before and will say it again so the cheap seats can hear me:

I saw some stats regarding the most recent enrollments in the ACA, top 5 states with most enrollees ALL went to Trump.

Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately

Hell, PENCE would have told them. Pence never hid his anti-abortion views in the slightest. Hell, it was a point of pride for him. The only way you could not realize any of this is if you never, ever paid attention.

Every headline should be Trump supporters: stupid as fuck.

As terrifying as this whole thing, the schadenfreude I get from seeing supporters’ eyes open about how they were conned has been beautiful. Just beautiful.