Ashutosh Mishra

Another vote for day 1 availability! I AM NOT GOING TO WAIT!

Piracy is a big, big, big problem in India. There are three primary reasons for this,

Okay. The creepy picture has been seen and there shall be no sleep tonight.

There are antimalware apps specifically designed to NOT conflict with your main antimalware app. Examples are Threatfire, Immunet, even Panda Cloud antivirus. I am satisfied with just MSE, but if you're the going multi-antimalware-way, you should be using one of these three apps.


Their English used to be good and commanding. Now it's awful.

"We are working with Apple to enable this feature in the future, but we currently do not offer it." WTF?! iOS has this feature built in, all Apple needs is a nod from AT&T to turn it on.

Please don't shove that awful duckface photo on my face ever again! WTF just put some other photos!

"It's" is short for "it is". "Its" denotes possession.

Oh, so you're totally swallowing plants while they are alive and then shooting them out of your ass while they're still alive?

Oh, and it took them over a month to review a single privacy policy? Awesome people they are.

What is the bite force of modern day giants, like the salt water croc, hyena, orca, hippo, great white shark, etc?

ZUploader and Dropbox are pretty good too.

iPhone 4S (and soon, iPad 3) does Siri, not iOS. iOS is on a bunch of other devices as well.

Plus the lions get all confused and can't single out a weak or young zebra.

Can't an army of flying robots patrol the top of the atmosphere, and collect the escaping hydrogen and helium? Once a robot is loaded with gas, it will return to earth and 'ping' a resting robot to take its place.

LastPass. Game over.

Please don't include that horrendous photo in any of your future articles ever again, or I will have to jump through your computer screen and vomit all over you.