Patricia Hernandez

Ugh. Fun is SUCH a useless word. Why ask/wonder about that? I really do hate how the evaluation of games centers around the idea of fun though. Not because I don't want my games to be 'fun' but because the what the hell does that word even mean? Look at all the things that word can mean:

You should look into LA Noire! Rockstar is going to put in a 'skip the action' option, which I personally appreaciate—god knows I'm not going to be playing that game so that I can shoot people in yet another freaking game.

Ah, okay. I was just curious. Anyway! Two accounts I need you to set up: a wordpress account (just account! you don't need to DL anything!) and a google wave account. Send me the email you used to make these accounts. Then I will add you and you can see the base of our operations and such.

Two accounts I need you to set up: a wordpress account (just account! you don't need to DL anything!) and a google wave account. Send me the email you used to make these accounts. Then I will add you and you can see the base of our operations and such.

What are you interested in writing about, generally speaking?

Any of you guys play Beautiful Escape, the game where you're put in the shoes of a serial killer? That dev is at it again, this time he's bringing us something even MORE controversial—a game called "Polymorphous Perversity". The premise? You're "bizarre parallel reality where everything gravitates towards sex"; so

Add me! I've been playing for hours since the day it came out. I'm breeduh on xbl

There is not a single game released last year that I have played more than Monday Night Combat. Not a single one. I've been playing it nearly every day since launch, with a few hiatuses here and there. I just bought a second copy on Steam and have logged almost 100 hours since February. I've bought the game for a

Actually it's named after a chicken in real life owned by a fan. They traded with Uber; Uber got to name the IRL chicken in exchange for sending the fans the game.

Sorry, I had /no idea/ how to look at PMs in the new layout, but it dawned on me that I could just go into the old one and look at the PM there. In the process of adding you—just did on wave, will do so on the blog proper in a second.

Naw you don't need to download anything.

What I need you to do: make a wordpress account, make sure that it's set so that when you post, it shows your actual name and not your handle (if you're not comfortable with first and last name, just first will do, it's up to you) and to make sure you have an avatar. Send me the email you used to make that account, so


Added to both! Now if you could put an avatar on both, and on the wordpress account, if you could set it so that it displays your real name and not your handle—it can be just your first name, if you'd like/aren't comfortable with first and last name.

Hrm. Well, while Wave will be killed at /some/ point, it's still up right now so that's what we're using and, while I had assumed that the two accounts were one and the same (docs and wave, since I use the same account to log into both), when I try to add you as a contact on Wave it says you don't have an account D:

Ah, okay. Definitely sounds like you might bring something unique to the table. So now for the more logistical stuff: what do you see yourself writing? What do you think you can reasonably commit to (a piece a week? Every two weeks? Once a month?). Try to be realistic about this, since I'll probably be on your case

Ah, that still sounds good. Now I'd need you to make an account for googledocs/wave as that is where the head of our operations is, and send me the email you used for that account so I can add you to all the material of concern to you. That's where you'd post your review before posting to the site proper, and where

Starting tonight, Minty? You have Bulletstorm or some shit? Because if so, I didn't realize! Anyway we should coordinate, /when/ tonight will you be on? It'll be just you and me, too, till Strifekins and Leyez hop on via the Gears 3 preorder on Monday.

Gears 3 beta, incessantly. Anyone here play? I'd love to have more actual teammates on there, since teamwork is key, methinks. If not "funner"; not a word, I realize, but you know what I'm saying. Anyway! If you're playing too, you should add me, my gamertag is breeduh

Ah, that's the other thing too—none of what we write, *has* to be about new titles, either. Though they can be! But I've had writers write about really old titles like ActRaiser and such, you'd certainly be free to do the same.