If you read the tweets, he actually identifies a few of them. In Russian of course, but he actually put some effort in it.
If you read the tweets, he actually identifies a few of them. In Russian of course, but he actually put some effort in it.
The time spent writing this article v. the time spent writing a better article would both get the exact same paycheck. So why bother writing a better article?
I think that some of the laziest article “writing” consists of posting someone else’s content without even bothering to provide any context. This is one of those; these are pictures of animals that very few people (and probably none of the commenters here) will ever see in person, and there seems to be more interest…
But actual research into what these are takes effort... and “OMG NOPE” content gets more clicks than actual “here’s what these actually are” content.
Never gets old, that one! : )
As frightening as these images appear, it’s still a cool opportunity to learn about deep sea biology. I wish Gizmodo had identified the creatures.
I’m bookmarking this one for future use.
He makes great ice cream, though.
But they’re not aliens. They are earthlings. So just imagine what the real aliens will look like.
That blue starfish(?) is quite pretty, but almost everything else - yeah, I agree with you.
I thought James Carville was just a turtle who traded in his shell for human clothes...
I mean, it’s how I respond to James Carville, so probably?
You... You magically kidnap children?
Here’s one of the gifs.
Let’s not be xenophobic. These are the closest things to aliens we probably have on our planet, other than James Carville. Is this how we will respond to actual aliens, if they look all freaky deaky to us?
My reaction these images:
Still needs more nope.
Nope. #nope. [nope.gif]. Nyet. Nein.