I don't dislike the anti-hero genre and I do love Hannibal, but I wish there was more of a balance. I'd love to see more shows of the caliber of True Detective and Hannibal that did focus on the good, positive, bright aspects of human nature.
I don't dislike the anti-hero genre and I do love Hannibal, but I wish there was more of a balance. I'd love to see more shows of the caliber of True Detective and Hannibal that did focus on the good, positive, bright aspects of human nature.
I really loved the long take at the end. It reminded me of the episode 'Triangle' from "The X-Files".
Huh? I really like Sleepy Hollow but it isn't anywhere near as good as The X-Files.
Sleepy Hollow may have launched right into its mythology, but Fringe's mythology felt more focused and was certainly more multi-layered and relied more on showing than telling. Sleepy Hollow is a fun show but nothing in its first season resonated with me like Fringe's NYC bombshell.
It's not a totally fair comparison as Sleepy Hollow only had a 13-episode season versus Fringe's 20 episode order, but I think 'Safe', 'Bound', 'Ability', 'Inner Child', 'Bad Dreams', 'The Road Not Taken', and 'There's More Than One of Everything' were far stronger than Sleepy Hollow's first season scripts.
I understand your complaints, but plotting aside… imho, the War twist really did seem to indicate that the creative team was on a mission when they selected John Noble for the role. The finale gave me confidence that the writers wanted a character worthy of John's talent.
Yeah, Sleepy Hollow mostly worked due to the excellent usage of its cast. Its biggest weakness is its pacing. While I'm thankful this isn't a lazy procedural i.e. Grimm, Almost Human, there's no reason the mythology needs to move like a freight train either. S2 really needs less exposition and more focus on letting…
To be fair, after Lost S4 ('The Constant') everyone was saying "See you guys, THAT is how you make stuff up as you go along."
There's an old saying from The X-Files, "Everybody loves Bad Blood."
Best part of the episode was Sarah-Jane Redmond. So many Fringe/The X-Files/Millennium emotions. :"(
Thus far, Abbie/Jenny have been a highlight for me across all the new freshmen series.
I'm afraid I don't really follow your logic, sorry. I don't see why a possible explanation can't be used as a narrative device later on. I understand it's an ending some fans might not like, but it certainly wasn't out of left field. Imho, if there was anything wrong with BSG, it wasn't the ending as much as the…
I strongly disagree. BSG explored faith and concepts of monotheism as early as its first season. BSG wasn't perfect, but the plot devices used in the series finale had always been baked into the very core of the show.
True. Granted The X-Files was an American series regardless of the fact it was superior in Vancouver. ;-)
Oh man, the music is just terrible. I actually understand why Wyman might want something different from Chris Tilton given the universe —- but Almost Human would be better off electronic music more in vain of Mitch Murder, Kavinsky, or Perturbator. The THUD THUD THUD edm is just grating. Probably should have just…
Excellent point, I do agree Lost had a much stronger first season than Fringe. For the record I thought Lost was pretty brilliant, but I found Fringe far more satisfying with its answers.
Yeah I feel the exact same way, it's hard to believe AH was created by so many crew members who previously made something as special as Fringe.
'The Arrival', 'Safe', 'Bound', 'Ability', 'Inner Child', 'Bad Dreams', 'The Road Not Taken', and 'There's More Than One of Everything' blow any episode of Almost Human thus far out of the water. AH couldn't dream of being as great as Fringe S1 in its wildest dreams.
Fringe solidified itself as the next Lost/BSG years ago. And it was far better than Lost, regardless of the ratings.
Well, the last season of Fringe still had far more heart than this. I thought 'In Absentia', 'Black Blotter', 'Liberty', and 'An Enemy of Fate' were very good.