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    I think Ambrose's change of heart was TOTALLY plot convenience flu, but they made a point of zooming in on his face when the Butcher was consoling Mam Polk over the loss of her other son, and saying all her claptrap about the pain of losing a child. So I imagine we were meant to think Ambrose has had enough of his

    Child rapist murderer boyfriend. Gotta hit all the points.

    I loathe Amelia. I loathed her on Private Practice, and I was so annoyed when Shonda brought her over to GA because, STOP TRYING TO MAKE AMELIA HAPPEN, IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. She's just so… consistently unlikable and annoying. I mean, every character on GA has been unlikable and annoying at some point, but she's

    Not gonna lie, I logged into this review just to see how mad you were going to be at Mary getting richly and righteously called out for her years of being a stuck up shitmonger, and Edith getting to be the one to do it. With everyone agreeing (again, correctly) and how absolutely much Mary deserved it, too. Watching

    Or tell her dad to keep his fucking mouth shut and maybe don't betroth her to a psychopath in the first place.

    You keep saying she got Ned killed. Ned got Ned killed. Ned got a lot of people killed, and as the adult in the situation is massively more to blame with events playing out than neckbeards like you who like to pin it all on Sansa. (By your logic you also argue that Arya got Mycah killed because she played with him,

    I read the books too, and frankly, everyone in history trying to get into Claire's snatch does get pretty old.

    Life is hilariously cruel!

    Oh God, this, yes. I don't care about many characters on the show now, and I'd like happy endings for a couple of them, but I actively long for Mary to fall into a well and die.

    Slapstick violence is the best Mary deserves at this point. That reminds me, I'll add Mary/Smacked with Enormous Fish Mary/Falls Down The Stairs On Banana Peel to the list. This will open up the Mary/Pratfalls arc of the next season.

    I'm more inclined towards Mary/Sharp Kick in Her Narrow Ass, myself. But I'm a multi-shipper, and could also be quite happy with Mary/Backhand Slap To the Face, Mary/Compassion, Mary/Tool For Removal of Stuck Head From Posterior, and Mary/Pig Pen.

    "She's only really shitty to one person so that means she's not that shitty" is not a great argument in Mary's favor. In fact, it makes her look even pettier.

    That really just makes Mary worse of a person. She's always been immensely self-centered, and her careless cruelty is appalling. It doesn't matter that she acknowledges it at times, she still continues to do it and not care that she's hurting other people.

    I don't disagree with you, but you keep calling her a commoner, and that's not accurate. Her moony background story to Robb includes the fact she's a noblewoman.