
The Puritan Backroom is also the name of my Salem Witch Hunt-themed gay sex dungeon.

As if Kate Winslet would slouch.

Exhausted from being twice as good as the men for half the pay?

ugh they’re just super tired from all of their fiercing, okay???

diane keaton is my favorite part

I find myself leaning more and more in favor of vigilante justice as I get older... some people really do just need the shit beat out of them.

which is why during my customer service/retail years I ALWAYS wore an “engagement” ring to work... it was fake (sterling silver, and glass stones)... but at a glance it marked me as someone else’s and about 80% of the creeps would back off... that other 20 took it as a challenge.

I get so mad about “sorry, I’m taken” being the only safe response. Honestly, whether I’m attached or not is completely irrelevant if I’m not interested in you. But, I have single girlfriends who wear fake engagement rings on occasion, because it’s easier and safer than saying “no thanks”.

My ex once called me after getting out of an elevator, he was upset that the woman inside of it had hugged the wall the entire time and had rushed out when it reached her floor. He couldn’t understand why, because all he had said was "Hello" It took a long time for it to get through to him that it didn't matter that

EXACTLY! I’m not leading you on, being coy, or playing hard to get. I’m Afraid!!

“Why can’t women just be direct and honest if they don’t want to go out with you?!”

Certainly not all or even most men. At least you understand the problem.

So, here’s the logic behind that. Breastfeeding lowers a woman’s risk of breast cancer. By aborting the pregnancy, you are missing an opportunity to breastfeed. Therefore, forced birthers claim, abortions cause breast cancer.

Because if they didn’t lie they’d be forced to give women neutral, unbiased, factual information regarding abortions, and they might still decide to get one.

I get your point but we need to stop invoking rape to defend a woman’s right to an abortion. Most women who get abortions are not victims of rape and incest. And that’s fine. Every woman who has a reason they don’t want to have a baby has a good reason.

Can you really boycott a place no one wants to go to?

How is it that people take something that COULD (in the right hands) be helpful (like having a fully formed factual website full of information on what will be happening to your body and support resources no matter what option you decide) and then be like OKAY BUT LETS PUT LIES ON IT.

"Can you dress me in a sack that you have somehow discovered a way to crease?"

I think it's more that he was already a sloppy dresser and a general aesthetic embarrassment and they decided fixing it would be counterproductive.

"One oval-shaped suit, please."