
*Why were cousins having sex with one another?*

And you know she's lying how? Could you provide proof for us since you clearly know more than everyone?

Wait, so maybe it's not a good idea to replace our police force with rogue vigilantes hiding behind creepy masks?


Stephanie Robinson needs less uptight friends.

ETA: Also, as a teacher I absolutely know the type of students who are so worried about grades they would throw all embarrassment/social pressure out of the window for a few points extra credit. They are always the straight A students with 103% in the class, too. I love

I starred you just for confusing the Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. Was I young and naive, or was the Huffington Post once much better than it is now?

She truly is The Worst.

The fact that this guy seems to be a monster doesn't change the fact that people who have caused their children's deaths accidentally have my sympathy. Poor them, I stand by that.

Yeah, they seem really upset about it.

Being familiar with Berlatsky's previous work is one of the reasons this particular article annoyed me. I honestly think he misunderstands the problem with with "lack of representation" in media. He has previously written about how women are underrepresented in television and comic books, how they are unnecessarily

Every article, including the one you linked, says 13 new episodes.

Mostly agree. I can in a way see where the guy is coming from as a general point.

He also wrote this article for Salon about how the Bechdel test should be retired, making many of the same points one might make, gender-reversed, in defense of OiTNB.

No but inquiry is more productive—and requires trying to grapple with complex things. Berlatskys article, if you read it, actually does that. Madeleines, does not.

I get the sense you are might be one of the very few people who read the actual article he wrote and not just the off the cuff not particularly insightful commentary posing here as an article.

Yeah, I think the point of his criticism is that there is no mainstream work who treats male prisoners as human beings. He just went a little hamhanded.

This article is driven by one of two things: a) a complete lack of a critical reading of Bertlasky's piece, or b) an intentional desire to attract readers who will most likely comment without reading the original article. Perhaps it is both. If you read beyond the first few paragraphs, you will find that he is

His entire complain is there aren't enough men on a show about a women's prison. That's his entire point."
That's actually not his entire point. A large chunk of the article is devoted to critiquing how men on the show are represented: "According to Orange Is the New Black, though, men in prison are "super-predators"

Preposition's are perfectly legitimate words to end sentences with.