
The problem of journalists writing in the internet age with little foreknowledge of their subject is in no way limited to pop music and poptimism, but there is a manufactured element to poptimism where it took a movement for hack journalists to decide pop music was worth thinking about seriously. And the result of

It’s inappropriate, but in Hollywood people are constantly trying to find ways to rip you off. You need an aggressive personality, male or female, to succeed in that place. It’s awful.

This looks cray!! A comedy cartoon with a lot of swearing in it!! Seth Rogaine is a genius!!!

Trump’s supporters are largely uneducated lower class white people. They’re fed the narrative that they’re the oppressors (class distinctions are rarely made in this rhetoric), and it makes them mad, because as far as they can tell, they don’t have much of anything either. Trump is harnessing that anger into hate.

It should be completely irrelevant whether Beyonce is a good businesswoman to anyone who isn’t in the business of working with her.

THE LADYKILLERS remake is actually more substantive a “black movie” than anything made by the majority of white directors, but I feel many of you are missing their point. Hollywood should be making more ethnically diverse movies, but WE CAN’T DICTATE HOW PEOPLE TELL STORIES. Arguing against this shows no understanding

I’m not even a fan, but he’s more successful than the vast majority of people in their forties, by a long shot. The internet’s celebrity obsession is destroying a lot more minds than weed.

That “Shake It Off” screen cap is DEMONIC. How was something like this only a year ago?

I agree with you. However, she should make more of an effort to write lyrics that aren’t cliches.

Yeah, the victim here is the one being villainized and slut-shamed. Way to partake in the public humiliation, Jezebel.

I’m sorry; I disagree. People only started making a point of the dictionary definition of humanism (and, by the way, they’re being VERY selective about that meaning) when all celebrities were being asked if they were feminists, and feminism needed a way to dignify itself as a completely separate ideology. Do you

It doesn’t specifically indicate gender, but it encompasses gender equality in how it describes the worth of all humans. This is also part of the original definition. Quit worrying so much about how people choose to define themselves, and understand that definitions change with usage. When people call themselves

Streep is using humanism in its modern, understood sense. It’s lost relevance as an alternative to theism, but is taken to mean “the value and agency of human beings” by almost everyone who uses it. Which is the universal human worth that feminism also claims to be about, but through a more female-centric route.

Anyone who thinks Scream Queens is like John Waters does not understand John Waters. Ryan Murphy has no soul and hates these characters.

There’s nothing original about this show. It wishes it was the movie Detention so bad, except it hates its characters and has no soul.

Good! Fuck those small-minded faux-left cretins who think their segregation politics are somehow helping us grow as people and understand one another. Obama believes in progress and he believes in unity.

This is true. We’re dancing to the rhythm of corporate machinery. But there’s no strong sense of rebellion or radicalism anywhere now. It extends beyond just pop music. Those who see themselves as radicals are typically regurgitating internet buzzwords, and are far more conservative than they’ll ever know.

It’s not even limited to racial/gender bias. If you don’t have a $100 million hit to your name (and as your last movie), you’re treated like shit. It’s a competitive and cutthroat biz, and most real artists have no business sense, so only dishonest junk survives.

I think that’s the first time anyone has ever praised The Doom Generation for accurately capturing ‘90s teens.

This is an important point! This form of progressivism was largely born out of clickbait internet headlines. It’s politics by way of corporate ad revenue. And though we like to think that Jezebel is about moving toward a vision of unity, its history (even in telling us which celebrities are BFFs or total assholes) has