
Waiting for “Operation: Pose As Black Women To Make White Feminists Shut Up” to get exposed any day now

Movie: (covers actual events that happened to real people forty years ago and is based in part on historical record)

Wait, we don’t like Meryl Streep now? Someone needs to make an app. I can’t keep track.

um, everybody knew this last night. For someone into big time advertising and PR you sure do seem to be out of the loop on a lot of important shit.

ah i thought it might be some reflection of her on her choice of friends as err polanski and weinstein

A great article that points out a lot of good points, except for this line:

No dipshit. The point of being an adult is realizing that you dont control the world, you arent entitled to what you want, and that private property means just that. Don’t like how a business treats it’s customers dont give them your business

None of this is “fair,” so to speak, but it’s the way it is right now”. How do you wish us to accept these miserable affairs? Suck it up?

Easy there, snowflake. Back to your safe place.

You lack rational thinking skills and reading comprehension.

So if he misspells it — he’s an idiot for not being able to type, but if he corrects it he’s an idiot for violating the law.. this going to get real old for the next 4 years. I will certainly get more done if I avoid the internet snowflake storms. Might be my cue to move on from the internet faux-rage crowd.

Set up an email server to conduct your shady business. That’s not illegal and not worse then deleting a tweet. Come on people Trump is the president whether you like it or not so stand behind him and come together. Most of the country (besides California and New York) wanted trump. He represents the majority of the