I have solar. ...
I have solar. ...
Games these days look better than the CGI from the psone days.
Is he suggesting that arguments and debatesof differing opinion is abuse?
You listed an article about women representation in gaming. People in that thread insinuated that if you enjoy or are ok with things as they are, you are a pig.
if I am sick I don't play games or watch tv. Being sick blocks the immersion and the bright screen of a tv makes me feel worse.
If I said "you don't represent all women" I would be providing a weak point.
I have a point of view equal to hers.
I mean, I would like more gay characters and wish homosexual themes were not used as jokes or ways to ridicule me.
Well as a gay man, I am less represented than you and I think you are4 being rudely dismissive.
While I am always for better storytelling.
Feminists often contradict them selves.
I thought he was trying to empower women.
As a gay man I don't mind if I don't get re presented in games. I don't even mind when I am made fun of.
the problem is if a woman relieves ilenc
Japan has the worst objectification of women.
heck yes. Might be taking so long because they started working on it after release?
His daughters was named after her. What better way to show respect than to design a princess after his daughters.
make a future zelda look like his daughter. That is far better tribute.
From memory Ginza is a ritzy shopping area...very busy...finding space to breath is mission enough.
Why is he a FAKE gamer? Look at my DP...I am muscular and I game more than anyone I know...