She is a black woman and j just went through that. Apparently there is a difference and it is ok, I dissagree.
She is a black woman and j just went through that. Apparently there is a difference and it is ok, I dissagree.
Comparing the advertising of both films kind of shows a greater change in direction.
My comment was a stab at how we have double standards. Your disapproval pleases me.
I will reply in the same way I would if a white male did it, do your homework, no are a douche. I was originally going too say "not your fault" but decided on the same comment I would apply to an incorrectly used Chinese tatt symbol.
I want complaining, just commenting that this is better by indication, am I wrong?
I made an assumption that this film, unlike the earlier, indicates it has comedy that is relevant and takes into consideration the audience of the time. Isn't that what the original series did? The other tried to duplicate what was, but in reality it just became an anachronism for most viewers.
I never said raunchy, I implied a curved sense of humour to accommodate change of time and an audience that grew up. In no way did I say Kermit should be doing crack while smoking with bitches.
/facepalm. The Brady Bunch films were nothing like the TV series, because time and people grew up. A comment like yours drags me back into the dregs of early cognitive development.
The last muppets film was tailored 2 kids 100%...this not as much by the looks of it. Tina Fey obviously has some influence in the writing...I feel like I watched a sketch from 30 rock.
I would hope for a new console 2016 latest. The wii was almost two years 2 late, sites like this even said so...
Reports are saying you don't need the best Internet.
It should be said that ps4 means it also comes to Vita via streaming.
So now cknsole owners can say "is it really finished?" as the game finally becomes interesting about hours of repetitive crap.
Does anyone know why psn Australia has not updated on Tuesday as it always has? No new games for ps plus users.
Consoles will be finished once streaming is the norm/everyone can do it, gaming consoles will be dead as we know it. If everyone can play ps4 games on any device, why buy a ps4?
Aren't people doing that already with a vita?
Wow.. in four years xbox one and ps4 will be out performed by iphone and Samsung
So maybe before accusing anyone of lying you should just. ....know what you are talking about?
Ok..listen up mmmkay? You must download everything twice on ps3. One for the download and another for install. Uncharted 3 also comes with the movies packs, you have no choice but to download them. The entire lot 40g but to download you need double the space.
I am in Australia and have downloaded uncharted 3 (80g) little big planet (24g) and remember me (20g, I think) less than a week.