Do I buy the cd? I buy a ticket? If they come, I do....hecause free meansI have a greater chance of knowing they exist. Take tthat away....and we have less successful indie artists......
Do I buy the cd? I buy a ticket? If they come, I do....hecause free meansI have a greater chance of knowing they exist. Take tthat away....and we have less successful indie artists......
Without piracy we would have less of an indie scene. Some people might for out cash for a new band they have never heard.....but not 5 or ten times at once. Many a ticket sale is thanks to pirate bay.
Actually piracy is good for emerging artists. ..who basically gey thier music known....and tickets sold.
what is the point? This like sony trying to control PS2 was least gen...let it go.
When will the cpopyright run out on that? how very old songs are free today
But...the 3ds and dsi are not region locked "hardware" as the final decision is the publishers. ..
Pokemon black and white had dso features...both...they were region free..
Actually...the 3ds is region free...up to the developer. ...bacl and white which has dsi features proved this...
Terrorist threats?...just say you were being sarcastic. ...text is read not can someone be jailed for something intpreted...beyond doubt?
My point...its better than 360 and ps3...yet doesnt have it.....which is annoying....because the frame rate on those consoles is awful...
My Wii U has space....oh and better does my PC
Well controls are a slap in the face 2 people without figures
Iwent 2 tokyo disney on a very quite day (shortly after tsunami) and I thank the maker it had no line for that terrible ride...
Child pornography is illegal to protect kids...drawings and banning them protects no one...just seeks to control what peolle enjoy.
Gotta ignore dem pop-ups
Jail was originally spelt uneducated clod..
Jif is the original spelling of jail...which was gaol
Try finding Alkatraz...and being told constantly "it is on the other side...the other side...the other side" reality it was a few streets away
why is the shibuya corssing the famouse one...when Chiba has the best ones
Sony updatez are a terrible event..and happen often.....