I will use as many dots as I like................however I hate the misuse of the word literally.
I will use as many dots as I like................however I hate the misuse of the word literally.
Game of Emo's
How can it literally mean nothing? ....The answer? It can not......wong use of the word....fail at being a professional.
"Literally means nothing" .....someone literally fails at english....hand in you ability to call yourself a writer at the checkout, please....exaggerations are not fact.
Sony gets my money...but games wise I think ms won. Sony showed ff and a cheaper price....so I buy ps4 first. However I may change my mind because it would mean paying for online on my 360 and ps4......
Did everyone turn and look at former lucus arts devs awekwardly?
Not really a unique selling point..... but unlike sony..they have an angle....sony is just. ..."better graphics".....
Reallly? the xbox one makes the wii u a hard sell?
At the same time?....this is..very ynooen and better than standard
I thought it could detect you being online...meaning if live failed or was down it woukd still verify..
Well if the ps3 doesnt do this they can say bye bye games...
My 360 connects online everytime I turn it on. At first I was angry about the xbox one always needing a connection......then I remembered "signed into xbox live" is something I see everytime....
That is popular belief....
....everyone will praise sony for a launch game that should of come out years ago
So we go from creepy stalker to batman 2.0?.....nice.....i like his emo suit....
Dont you find it sad that the batman formula is used to sell these movies now?
The new film? You mean superman begins?....the other film was more traditional. ...but no one cares for that anymore
Oh yeah, well anyways im excited at the idea of kingdom hearts and kinect now
Yen Sid? I think that is a character from kingdom hearts. He never performs magic though...nothing powerful.....so confused....how could kinect make kingdom hearts better? Buy waving you hand to summon books?
If ubisoft disappoints you....then how do you put up with everything else?