Ashley Jack

" And it was the first game in the Final Fantasy series that foreshadowed the series' eventual decline." rubbish, I liked 9 as well. 10 was a little rubbish though.

no....that is a game. You have to play the story...and go through hoops....=computer game. Not a movie or a book.

Rinoa did not fall in love with him obsessively, it kind of happened through circumstance. Also, she fell in love with Siefer....who is a bigger jerk. Clearly, Rinoa has issues and perhaps most of Squalls anger towards her, stemmed from her approval of Siefer.

and ultimecia was not out to destroy the world.

ultimecia was barely present in the game. I would almost claim the game had no villian...replace ultimecia with "drug addiction" and yoy get almost the same story. She was more a Disney villain than a Saturday morning villian, I never said better...personally I don't care for any of them. They all lack depth...but you

"Squall and Rinoa's relationship is one of the least believable fictional love stories I've ever come across." that is a personal in, you read against the text.

as for the love story being like Twilight, Twilights...I can't comment as I don't know the story.

because I was planning a concert and other useless activities. The space scene. Final Fantasy has forgotten how to have useless activities. The music, some of the best tracks. Characters were solid enough and less emo from FF VII (vincent....ugh). No "over the top, saturday morning cartoon villains" found in 7, 6, 4

does it innovate the battles? no?.,,,,no one really wants that anyway, they all just pretend they do,

it is funny becuase it is the innovations that are killing these games!

ff VIII is my u shud up!

"Final Fantasy XIII was loved by some but hated by many more" was ff XII, now it is "loved".......what rubbish/short sited writing you achieved today. Nothing is that black and white. You don;t get something like FF XIII and say "shit,great" and have no one stuck in between. What is wrong with you mediocre

but...those are the reasons people said would make teh Vita sell better than the 3DS....and.....yeah

my hunter 4 "blah" for 3ds, vita, wii u and ps3

I think it will still sell better on the 3DS...i have both consoles...and will get the 3DS version for the inevitable 3ds/wii u compatability.

having mc donalds in japan is like stepping back into the early 90's

That is because onsoles don't have dedicated sucks. Get steambox

she was missing in xiii-2. mostly...people complained and bitched.

red dwarf?

spire is forever my favorite...but most maps that scrolled through ended up being custom made in the end..