and this game is only on iOs? has 70% of teh market doesnt it?
and this game is only on iOs? has 70% of teh market doesnt it?
Meanwhile....on the 3DS. Come on SE.....even a crystal chronical game is welcome.
The Quinton of video games....minus the child rape charges
I think this is already used for advertising...and on the pirates of the Caribbean ride at disney land japan
why do they continue to sell to a download service that has a market minority exclusively?
ONE-DIMENSIONAL...Sephiroph was more complex. I think the best goes to...Jecht...or perhaps the XIII-2 guy...even if his english voice actor is completely emotionless.
well, the review scores are olf DMC to be dead....forever
what crap....all media forms push the limits...but none more than theatre. Being confronted with something uncomfortable is the best thing about long as it has point...
low framerate has been a growing problem with many games this gen...cus you know.....we need new consoles! is this out on PC?
some people like the emo look...some don't
not a fan of emo hairstyles.....sorry sick of fanbases....
*liked......but my post sounds like gollem now
never likes the series...but I like the new look.
all gaming consoles will be banned except Nintendo
from the play The Narcissist "I love a man with fuck me lines"
most people think that. I often have to correct people when they say, he has so many muscles!.....and I say "he has visable muscles" granted, having visible muscles is a lot harder than having lots. At least, that is what I have found.
people who do not go to the gym don't understand the difference between being "fit" and "built".
umm...thats me in my DP, about to climb the Sydney bridge.