Ashley Jack

i think the idea is to just put up with it showing on furniture....its not meant to be perfect

there was meant to be a pic with a guy with his head in sand

they dont do third games anymore...

meanwhile at square-enix headquarters....

Yes, it is obviouse it has a locked camera. Fear not, this is not a bad thing. Think of psone JRPG games. My worry, is the general hight difference between people and buildings....the scales are all wrong...

they look like they are in teh area of Aki where you wander to far away. Granted...I needed to go to the toilet while there....I think I went to a Caffe near the station....lazy peeps.

tbh I think they are using cell shading....which leads to a lot of confusing in screenshots. It isnt the best cellshading...but still, the fact they want it to head this exciting. They should re-use the windwaker engine for this series.

Point, but I would wager all these devices access the already established framework...rather than each having something more individual.

steam has a larger userbase than xbox live...also, It means...automatically PC and Steambox is that not better? Surely friends have PC's?

steam=dedicated servers=who cares about nextbox and ps4 (unless they improve)

/facepalm. Screenshots are kind of always....static

it is easy, lazy....and steam prices!

im rooting for it, I would love to have no reasan to but a ps4 or nextbox

no moving in 8 directions :/.....not impressed. Hopefully it looks a lot better than the screens as it cellshaded?

Red and blue colours? I think this might be all the DS maps, on the else can they have a new game so soon? And worldwide?

pixar is becoming as lazy as pokemon with concept creations......

Isn't there tech called WiDi, that streams your PC desktop to the TV? They call these "streamers" I think belkin has a few out. I looked it up when I wanted to know why my PC cant do what the Wii U can.

said every early adopter, ever

more like a "did you know sony and nintendo were making a console together" kind of fact. Where one, terrible idea....gave birth to something better.

im hoping this is a success...and that the dismal original ff XIV can be a small story gamers tell themselves for years...a "did you know" fact