Ashley Jack

sucker punch was a visual wonder.

Not really.....same thing with remote controlled about being dramatic...

He changed his name....legally, not fake.

Something that never original had anything tk dk with today's date.

Nibru was *mathamatically " planned for so.time decades from now....the guy who studied the idea, had his calculations warped and hijack to make money off this doomsday theory. He also did not believe it would collide, just come close. It's also doubted his calculations are correct, as such an orbit for a planet seems

In my country....having that in public is a quick way to get arrested..... he couldn't take it to an airport iether......useless.

We have a similar stand in Australia. My brother is skitzophranic... and his sanity relies on pills. So many illnesses rely on pills. People who can be calmed with pills need acceptance....not being committed. You speak with ignorance....plain and simple.

changing very quickly

Maybe I am a monster...but I play violent video games.....and I don't associate it as violence. I was almost murdered by my own alcoholic father shot his brother dead and my own brother jumped in front of a train because he "was Jesus".....yet I don't use these events as excuses for pity. These events are

Do you also have trouble watching violent films......violent plays, violent music, violent books? The difference in gaming is that we control and you have that aspect...but I would wager you enjoy violence across many mediums.

I don't think this is fair.....gameloft does the same thing, copy game after game. Hell, order and chaos is the biggest wow clone, even copies tbe placement of enemies and order.

I think you ought to be sued for this article, this looks inspired, not ripped. This site deserves to be sued for this.

This is stupid, not everyone registered as a sex offender is a rapist....some are kids stupid enough to send naked pics.

*said no one, ever* as in, your adjective...

Wooten..I will be in shinjuku in April!

Wait...his mentally ill..... now I feel bad. My brother thought he jusus and ran himself into a train. These people don't deserve our hate. But he killed I am guessing he knew what he did was wrong.

He has a point, a good one. Commercials are seen by everyone....and that leaves an impression. In our country, car adds are not allowed to show why not ban violence in game advertisement?

48frames is a bust? It doesn't work or you reject superior quality?

I know I can find a ssbb match in less than two minutes..and golden eye 007, hell cod as well. However...I am yet to get a match for ac3 on my wii u. My Wii tells me that online players are no indication and this websites constant reporting of dismal numbers as if it is "nintendo's fate" is just contradicted by it's

Three years ago digital was not a valid option for me...that was three years ago.