Ashley Jack

They fear going against Nintendo. Mario, Zelda and Metroid will always sell more than a "GTA V". Companies are afraid and bitter that Nintendo does so well.

"In the end these games and CONSOLES dominant the market in US/EU"

what rubbish, I said graphically already fits that criteria by the looks of assassins creed and batman...and this is just the "out of the gate" status of the console.

they behind the excuse of "power"....there is no longer that excuse

I think he got confused over L.A Noir

they are not doing well, no

sorry, but the Wii dominates the market

So, GTA V will not be on the most graphically advanced console?.... disappointing. Now there is a game that could really use a second screen as a map and better graphics.

ur joking right?

how can you enjoy the gamecube...which had very little in teh way of games, and not the wii....which has almost double the amount of quality titles.

because people are stupid and lazy...hence, the need for consoles. Until a computer...out of the box, can fit the needs of the lazy, impatient and stupid....we will always need consoles.

"True, laptops are far more portable, but you'll end up paying a premium for the portability"

"PC gaming, by and large, just works. If you have a problem with your computer, it's probably because you're not taking care of it properly."

rubbish...utter rubbish. I bought my computer 4 years ago, it was above average atthe can not run diablo III...and can barely run ff XIV...rubbish.

no, you argue where the content is....that is the primary concern for a consumer, content. Your concern is riddled with the politics...which is more ideological than practical.

aleady? This is pathetic....did not even last a generation...WHAT A JOKE

well that is nice, but the ability to break the law, is not something PC gamers should use as an argument of defence. Also, the ratio of PC and console exclusive games is so different, I hardly care for what PC games I can not play on consoles.

If PC gamers argue emulation, they cant object when console gamers argue keyboard and mouse.

well, this generation has been out around.....7 years? Can a 7 year old computer play diablo III?

"I can play anything, from the familiar to the new, from the pretentious to the innovative, from the bad to the good."