
Non-stop shootings? There’s been like 100 in a year... with nearly 400 million people. That’s barely a statistic. Get off the media push and be realistic.

Trespassing isn’t peaceful... and in response to what (likely) 1 person did as if it’s some kind of systemic abuse... lol. You guys are fucking desperate. Pretty sure you have stock futures in black economics or something, because you long ago jumped the shark on what is real.

Yes cause some people can differentiate between watching the NFL and speaking on a national matter. You may not be one of them, pleb.

I’m not a liar. I think as a service member that it is a disgrace and not appropriate any more than me protesting Walmart because Target fucked me over. This isn’t a federal matter and to shit upon our nation’s symbol to try to make some point is not only divisive, but counterproductive.

Kapernick at this point is

I hope you do not consider yourself a member of sports media because you wrote a blog piece for a shamed site.

It’s also the right of those police to not service those games as sidework. That’s how freedom of speech works, ninny.

Bad writers are still saying shit that isn’t true. Easy to make junk headlines. He fell to his knee after the hit not like it was before. Means nothing.

no “if he were black” comment yet? Oh well.. I’ll wait.

Really hope this guy walks into a bar full of black marines some day and gets to find out which is more important to them.

Gosh, he’s really doing a lot for awareness.. when all he is doing is raising ire by disrespecting every serviceman in the process. Quit giving him coverage. There’s great ways of protesting and using your celebrity to raise awareness about a cause that doesn’t demean the people who die for your rights on a daily

Basically, you’re wrong and sad gawker is gone because of a complete absence of good judgment and now you see it in a different light and understand why.

Yes, and that is hopefully one benefit that will come from this case. HIPAA should extend to anyone receiving the illegally obtained information.

Acquiring a document that was gained illegally and then plastering it on your shit to sell copy is not journalism any more than bigfoot fucks marilyn mornoe stories in the Inquirer. It’s legality is not something you know a damn thing about, so let’s not pretend. The court will decide, not you.

No legal standing? It won. It won an appeal, too. Stop talking about shit you do not understand.

Pull your pants up, Kev, your bias is showing. Too accurate. Let me post your medical records online to show your herpes has manifested in your brain and tell me that I’m “reporting too accurately.” rather than invading your privacy. You’re still a Gawker apologist for posting his sex videos, too. You’re a joke.

Pretty sure you should just write more articles about how Hulk Hogan’s rights weren’t the issue and Peter Thiel somehow bought justice. You’re overplaying your hand, bud, it looks desperate and belongs on Gawker...o wait.

That ending jab is just too much, sir. The burn is so good that if they were actually on Everest they’d just roll around in the snow but...

cause its a muscle attached to a bone. if you tear it off the bone... tada.

Remember when your site was worth millions instead of pennies and you thought it was cute to have fascist commentary? Yeah. I do. I’m giggling so hard.

If you didn’t care, why do I have to read about it? dipshit.