Ashley Blalock

For a guy that is always short on cash you have to wonder how Peter Parker affords all these Spider Suits? If science fiction and comic book conventions have taught us anything it’s that cosplay ain’t cheap.

Looks like Warner Brothers is getting serious about making it’s various films different instead of it all has to bleak, dark, grim, and lacking in fun.  Now that the whole Snderverse thing seems dead and buried the DC live action movies are looking a lot more interesting.

Kind of seems like the nudity and gore are the gimmicks to sell the whole thing. It’s not like you can’t telling an interesting story about compelling characters without nudity and gore but when you plop those two things in then you can market it as “mature”. Mature hardly seems about better story telling with better

Turn it all grim, dark, grim has been done to the point where I just can’t take yet another trip into the pompous world of it’s somehow adult because we took all the fun and enjoyable bits out.

That the reviews can’t even be released until Tuesday at 11:30pm on the east coast isn’t exactly pointing to it being a great film.

On the bright side at least we were getting a new cartoon that wasn’t done in the Cal Art style.

Marvel/Disney could make Iron Man look like Iron Man and Vision look like Vision even though there would have to be changes to make the visual leap from comic books to live action movie.

Paramount keeps attempting to not call it a reboot and yet the robot modes don’t look like they did in the Bay films.  If it’s not a reboot then they are going to have to explain at some point why Ravage has two eyes in the Bumblebee movie but the weird design in the Bay movie.

With another Spiderverse event in the comic books and the upcoming animated movie it is a bummer you can’t swing into action as Spider Ham.

With Disney rolling out a streaming service is there room for Apple to go overly family friendly? Given the choice it seems like families would just pick the Disney streaming service with more known titles.

I’m more focused on the possible good. With the right fight choreographer it could be really cool to watch different types of benders fight. If the show has a nice long run it would be a chance to see the kids get older like we did with the Harry Potter films. Should be fun to see who they cast because the cartoon

With Marvel things have felt a bit different. Sometimes the fate of the entire world is in play and other times it’s been something as small as stop the bad guy from stealing something. Sometimes it’s a serious tone and other times lets just have a little fun with how crazy the concept really is. Characters have

On one hand this almost feels like they are kind of turning the knife in the wound of there still isn’t a Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl action figure. But on the other hand it feels like an excellent chance to corrupt my nieces into being Marvel fans.

Freaks was made long before we’d got things like X-Men. Yet somehow looking different in comic books was okay but real life people who were different getting to be the heroes for the first time is somehow wrong.

Not an expert in all things He-Man and She-Ra but it does seem like with level of magic involved with Castle Grayskull that it could exist on multiple worlds all at the same time. Just about any sort of sort cross over is possible by crossing from Castle Grayskull on one world to the Castle Grayskull on another world.

Might be the best plan while Warner Brothers tries to decide just what the hell they want to with the live action DC movie universe. Reboot, don’t reboot, Flash Point the whole thing, don’t Flash Point the whole thing, grim and dark no not grim and dark. It’s like Warner Brothers is bouncing all over the place with

While there are some really bad reboots out there so far I’m feeling pretty good about this new take. Doesn’t hurt that their Voltron series seems to show that Netflix seems to be serious about being a cartoon contender.

The fighting is much better this time. But part of that might be because they come up with an excuse to have Danny wear a hoodie and a yellow mask over his face so it’s easier to have another actor do some of the fight scenes. It looks like Finn Jones has been practicing but the best fight moments are his stunt double.

I could see a strong desire for a director’s cut of a dead franchise. It’s the only way that film or series of film will see new life so fans would have to take the wee little bit they could get from a little more film.

The big draw for me isn’t until next year.  The new cartoons might just be enough for me to subscribe for a month or two but the live action Titans looks like a big old pass.