Ashley Blalock

So the Porgs are the cats of the Star Wars universe.

We do need more of TV’s son of TV’s Frank.

I was thinking along the same lines. It’s not as if there is no sound underwater. Animals use sound underwater for the same reasons animals on land use water. With all the adapting they had to do for life under the waves it’s only logical that Atlanteans would have adaptations that help them communicate.

That was our cunning plan all along sounds like something cooked up in the marketing department. By April of 2016 Deadpool was a big success story. Ain’t it an amazing coincidence that after that point all these fun superhero movies pop up.

I have to agree. It sounds mostly positive with a few issues. But then what superhero movie these days doesn’t have at least some sort of minor issues? Heck even Marvel has had issues with so many of it’s villains not being stand out characters.

I’m not a legal expert and I lack any degree in copyright law. But from what I understand the parent company retains the actual ownership of the character and it’s rather like an exclusive lease of the characters.

Likely another game that you can half way play if you live in the center of a large city but not something you can make much progress on in small towns or rural areas. The we are going to make the game better for rural players is another thing on the Niantic not going to get around to list.

They were so focused on star power they forgot that the tragic villain is what sold the original monster universe. I couldn’t tell you anything about the mummy in the movie because the whole thing was about Tom Cruise. Sofia Boutella is hardly in the film at all.

The whole history of comic books was each company going hey the other guys have found something wildly popular so let’s do that thing people love as well. I just don’t get the whole thing that somehow Marvel/Disney, Warner/DC, and Marvel/Fox have to be different.

Too much garlic and I can enjoy a night of puking in the bathroom. Since Papa Johns is almost floating in garlic to make up for the lack of flavor I’ve never eaten Papa Johns pizza without getting sick.

Yea stunned just isn’t the right term. More like scientist are excited about the discovery of a previously unknown open area within the Great Pyramid of Giza.

What’s so insane is that from everything I’ve read and seen about Henry Cavill he seems like a really nice person that would be fun to hang around with. In other roles I’ve enjoyed his work as an actor. He goes out and does nice stuff for other people and you think wow what a cool guy for doing that.

What’s so insane is that from everything I’ve read and seen about Henry Cavill he seems like a really nice person that would be fun to hang around with. In other roles I’ve enjoyed his work as an actor. He goes out and does nice stuff for other people and you think wow what a cool guy for doing that.

Wonder Woman was the only character from either Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, or Suicide Squad that didn’t seem like a dark character to me. I’m not sure if they meant for Wonder Woman to be different than the boys or if it was just that Batman v Superman didn’t have much Wonder Woman time to work with.

I worked at a prison for years as an officer and the saying was always inmates running the asylum. I never heard anyone working at the prison or doing time there say inmates running the prison.

I survived the dark trend in comic books when DC, Marvel, and the Independents were determined to milk the gimmick to death. The going dark was rarely about exploring the characters or an interesting take on the stories. Eventually the gimmick collapsed under weight of the pompousness it requires to make things

With the cool looking designs we’ve seen from the Black Panther trailers I had my hopes that maybe we’d get a full wave of Black Panther related figures instead of shoehorning in Black Bolt, Namor the Submariner, and Tony Stark to round up the wave. Perhaps some designs from the Black Panther comic books since Hasbro

It is bad news for cord cutters because it says hey you don’t have to have any real value to your streaming service just find something with an existing fan base and exploit their fandom for a monthly fee.

Hollywood has always been let’s all jump on whatever seems to be the hot trend right now. Marvel/Disney made the cinematic universe concept work in the current era so every studio wants to jump on the cinematic universe train. Serialized television managed to grab both awards and eyeballs so now everyone thinks if we

Sorry I’m late but my internet connection has been down. But maybe it’s not too late to let them fight.