Ashley Blalock

I think the issues are perceived value and if this would set up a precedent to have every channel and studio turn streaming from an easy to use paradise to a hell of constantly having to subscribe and unsubscribe from dozens of channels.

When the broadcasters were forming Hulu CBS was the only major broadcaster to say no. NBC jumped on, ABC jumped on, Fox jumped on, even some of the cable networks jumped onto a way to bring streaming content to people. CBS was steadfast on they would not stream.

Looks good but all I can think is from the studio that brought you live action Transformers, live action Ghost in the Shell, Baywatch, Monster Trucks, the latest attempt at live action Ninja Turtles, and that’s been dropping more bombs than a World World II bomber.

What happens when you really want Godzilla on Game of Thrones but you can’t get the copyright from Japan.

Just not sure if the numbers are that good when Star Trek Discovery and a Good Wife spin off is the only new content you can’t find on broadcast. People might pony up for Game of Thrones because it’s such a cultural juggernaut. But will people pay $10 a month and deal with the breaks for an okay Trek series?

It’s hard to enjoy the Klingons when all they can move is their eyes and move their mouth only a little bit. It would be like telling an actor I want you to do Hamlet with a bucket over your head, but hey we will cut out some eye holes so people can see your eyes.

The Starfleet bits were eh. Not anything that I’d want to pay to see on a service not offering enough other content.

Even if it’s the best thing on TV I just can’t bring myself to pay for a service that’s only offering up one new show I would watch. It doesn’t help that they seem to have read the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition with the plan to have a season break just to extend how long people will be stuck paying for the service.

Even if it’s the best thing on TV I just can’t bring myself to pay for a service that’s only offering up one new show I would watch. It doesn’t help that they seem to have read the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition with the plan to have a season break just to extend how long people will be stuck paying for the service.

Even if it’s the best thing on TV I just can’t bring myself to pay for a service that’s only offering up one new show I would watch. It doesn’t help that they seem to have read the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition with the plan to have a season break just to extend how long people will be stuck paying for the service.

I don’t know, perhaps with some written stories it might work knowing some spoiler. But it seems like there are moments in film making where not being spoiled is pretty darn massive. One of the things people tend to remember about Star Wars is the moment when we find out who Luke’s father is.

Unless the Moclans developed surgery before skills like language then that means at some point in Moclan history there were females. So the Moclans could have all sorts of myths and stereotypes about females from their ancient past. Just look at how old some human stereotypes are.

At some point customers have to say no or every channel will be oh hey we can slap up a pay wall and offer only one new show that people might be interested in.

More Daredevil I was excited for because of the take on the characters. More Jessica Jones and crew I was excited for. Definitely excited for more Luke Cage because that’s been my favorite series so far.

If it’s just going to be what’s offensive then you have to wonder if Nazis is really the only cosplay where we should say not cool.

Dinobots were okay, but you just can’t beat a robot ninja with a robot jaguar, a bad ass robot bird, two little tough guy robot goons, and a cool voice that actually sounded all robotic.

I’m okay with the idea of your con your rules.

Star Trek a ship full likeable optimistic people doing the whole to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before thing.

I’m just burned out on the whole concept of having to get yet another service just to watch something. When it’s get a service that is only really offering one new show as the reason to have the service then forget about it.

I always loved the Red Dwarf theme because it starts out like it’s going to be serious sci-fi and then nope just kidding this show is totally crazy.