Ashley Blalock

I’m also thinking a good deal of The Orville hate is just because it’s hip and cool to hate everything Seth MacFarlane does. If he saved a burning building full of puppies and old ladies there would still be people saying he what he did was the worst.

I think Bannon is one of those people who forget that Trump won the electoral college but lost the popular vote. When you win by turning just enough districts in a few states it’s had to say you have the next election in the bag.

There were some Transformers fans excited because the Bumblebee movie has a different director. The more realistic fans have pointed out it’s the same studio, it’s the same suits at the top, and it’s the same producers. When the people at the top are incompetent and don’t care about quality then you can figure a movie

I just got tired of being part of the problem. I paid to see a shitty Transformers film and then Paramount rolled an endless series of even shittier Transformers movies. Paid to see Superman Man of Mope and then Warner Brothers ripped out every ounce of hope, joy, and enjoyment from superhero movies until we got

I’m just worried that after Wonder Woman was hope, joy, fun, and with great power comes great responsibility that Justice League will jump right back into grim, dark, grim, no fun, pissing contest territory again.

What’s sad is that it’s a better Ravage than the Ravage from the live action Transformers movies.

Saw the art work and I was oh so something like Superhero Squad.

Not holding my breath either. The Oscars keep putting out these things about how they want more people to watch, but instead of offering up something for more viewers it’s the same stale old stuff every year.

Godzilla is going to be so pissed off when he finds out that Game of Thrones stole his breath weapon. The power level jumped from dragon breath all the way off the chart to Godzilla breath.

With the way Nerf guns are going I’m just waiting on them to come out with the Nerf Warhammer 40K collection.

With the DCEU already being a grim, dark, grim, place of no joy, no fun, no hope, and no heroes just tortured people with powers outside of the Wonder Woman movie it’s like they already have the messed up universe. Makes you wonder how Flash can mess things up even more?

I’m perfectly okay with their casting choice, but if Starfire doesn’t look alien all the time then I think the show is going to be missing a really important element of the character. Given the way people act about “aliens” from another nation the idea of an actual alien from another planet could be played up so many

I learned about whitewashing from the Americanized version of the original Godzilla movie when I was kid. Not the theatrical release, watching it at home decades after the original release.

I don’t know Justice League might actually be better with out Super Mopey Goth Man being a total downer. Wonder Woman didn’t have the Man of Mope and Wonder Woman was a fun movie with the joy of watching a live action superhero do the stuff you expect a superhero to do because it’s the right thing to do.

The Monster Squad and Young Frankenstein were two of the best love letters ever written to the golden age of Universal monster movies. No need to reinvent the wheel just to seem cool, take what people loved and run with it.

Can we really call it a theory when the show has done everything but invent neon signs so they could hang a sign over Jon that says Targaryen?

I’m pretty sure the Nazis, KKK, and white supremacist have enough blood on their hands to treat the entire lot as something monstrous that gave up their humanity when they said they were cool with things like genocide and lynchings.

If all the superhero movies were from one studio and they were all exactly alike then sure.

While everyone seems to be dreaming of this pay wall I think at some point we are going to see some of the streaming services fail. People are just too cheap to pay every month if you aren’t providing enough new content to make it seem worth watching or your shows aren’t the hottest shows on TV. People might pay for

“ Who do we think Arya will kill with that knife”