Ashley Blalock

It would have given Bronn something fun to do again instead of the current state of things where he has so little to do you sometimes wonder if the writers haven’t forgotten about the character all together.

With Marvel/Disney having insane amounts of money thanks to dominating the box office it’s too bad Disney can’t just buy Farscape outright to have the whole crew cameo in a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

It really does seem like a perfect fit. The weak link of the Constantine series on NBC was the characters around him. But Legends of Tomorrow has been great about crafting a team of misfits so you have everything that was great about Constantine with the added bonus of characters for him to play off of.

Yep with the Orville I can watch a group of Star Fleet rejects try to not mess up the universe too bad for free on broadcast. With Discovery I have to deal with the hassle of a pay wall for a subscription streaming service that is only offering up Star Trek Discovery as a reason to watch.

But I thought Flashpoint was the Flash messes up and causes a grim, dark, grim universe where the heroes don’t act like heroes. How can they make the DC live action movies grimmer, darker, grittier and with less hope or heroics?

Yea given the amount of players it was was pretty crazy to say hey we can do this in just one park in just one city. It’s not like it couldn’t have been a huge event in other cities as well. The only place you might not get many players would have been San Diego since Comic Con is going on.

I think we should see where the show wants to go. You still have people out there that think everything would be great if the South had won and you weren’t black, so maybe this can burst that bubble.

You would think by now the studio would know what he’s good at and what isn’t in his wheelhouse. A comedy with Tatum heck yea, a serious action film in cinematic universe off to such a rocky start, no thanks.

Zombies and vampires have such a range in fiction it’s hard to lump them together in more than just the names we use for them.

It’s also not like the Marvel/Disney films don’t have a long history of costume changes to make costumes better/cooler for the big screen. Some things just don’t translate well directly from the comic book page to ultra high definition of a block buster film.

Yea some of the criticism was on the silly side. With no super powers to keep up with Spider Man there is only so much his buddy could do. People came to see Spider Man action not just the life and times of the people Peter knows in high school. Flash is only going to get so much time when Spider Man is what people

The first FLCL series wasn’t bonkers slapstick humor 100% of the time. Sometimes you got very tender moments or quite reflective moments that made it even funnier when things went off the wall insane.

A national treasure in so many different ways.

Given that this has been a strange year when people have listened more to reviews than to marketing this is great news for our friendly neighborhood Spider Man. As a Spider Man fan it’s exciting my favorite superhero could be one of the movies people are buzzing about in a positive way.

Considering Lorenzo Di Bonaventura is the producer who pretty much said screw the old GI Joe and Transformers fans then continued the war with the old fans for years I don’t have any hope of oh we are going to play nice now because the domestic box is down each film.

I would disagree about the nobody really paid much attention part. Being that far out there caused fascination even from the lay person who mostly knew the planets from elementary school. Being such an unknown object made it something that science fiction could play with more than the planets we had a good look at.

For having to roll all that around in your head just bring us a review you deserve a very stiff drink.

I seem to be a sucker for the heroic ideal. So it can be superheroes like Adam West’s Batman or Christoper Reeves Superman. A war movie like Hacksaw Ridge where the hero must cling to his ideals. A cartoon character like G1 Optimus Prime.

Lots of people figured out his last name a long time ago. Just too many clues like get to The Wall before the king could see what he looked like, some of the things Maester Aemon said. Kind of hard to come up with any last name other than Targaryen given the clues. Even Scooby Doo’s Velma wouldn’t need her glasses to

With both parties going the other side is out to destroy America, people on the other side aren’t even human, all the hyperbole over how the other party would be the death of your children and grand children is it really shocking that someone took the toxic political culture in this nation too far? The events today