Ashley Blalock

Set in the 80's but I’m sure it will be a new way for Paramount to give the G1 fans the middle finger. Other franchises embrace their older fans but this film series has been old Transformers fans can take a long walk off a short space bridge. After so many films of get lost geezers I don’t think anyone is expecting

I was lucky enough to hear Adam West tell stories at a convention. What made him such a treasure is that it wasn’t all about him, he would tell these amazing stories about the actors he got to work with on Batman. So it’s not just losing Batman we also lost a treasure trove of stories about the actors who made up the

With none of the other big budget Paramount movies being a box office hit you can just smell the desperation to milk the Transformers franchise as hard as they can. Each film since Revenge of the Fallen the domestic box office has had a strong dip so they are “borrowing” from anything they think might be pop culture

I wouldn’t say the CGI was the best. There were places in the film where the effects were fantastic and top notch, but a few places that lacked the sort of polish they needed. I also felt like the villains were rather lacking but darn we hardly get any great film villains anymore from any studio.

Even compared to the mass produced junk of the 80's some of the modern animation is looking rotten. Heck G1 Transformers couldn’t keep the color of the robots straight all the time and I still feel like it’s better than the Marvel cartoons.

While I am old enough to do the “eh, back in my day” bit I also understand that pop culture can’t stay exactly the same forever without getting stale. So since change is inevitable you just have to pray to the geeky gods that change will be good change. Personally I like the new look since it’s a nice blend of old and

It’s almost enough to make me want to start watching the show again. But then I remember that I’m just back to disappointment again every time I say well maybe it’s gotten better.

Since Bumblebee is supposed to lose his voice before he arrives on Earth I cringe at the horror of an entire movie of that stupid radio speech they use for the character.

I always enjoyed the women’s episodes of the Japanese show. Still tough stages to show off how athletic ladies could be that you wouldn’t think would be that strong from just looking at them.

Given the way people over react I’m guessing it’s going to be a cavity search to get into conventions from now on. Geek cons are going to be weird if they ban all the things movie theaters ban now.

There are some films where the Zack Snyder style worked well for the film so I can say there are Zack Snyder films I enjoy for the excess he is known for.

Yea weird time slots but I’d drop everything to watch GLOW back in the day. Even watched the documentary that came out a few years ago so of course I’m excited for the Netflix show even if it’s not a return of the wrestling show. Just seems like women are still the sideshow when it comes to all the other wrestling

It’s fun and superhero films need a little fun because everyone shouldn’t be Batman or Wolverine.

Not to mention how may times have we heard this movie with a woman kicking ass will change Hollywood? I heard how everything was going to change back during Terminator 2 and Aliens, yet we are still talking about how Hollywood needs kick ass women to anchor some of their big over the top action films.

While I don’t get to see a load of Chinese films because we don’t get a load of them imported I have noticed that CGI is rapidly improving. Their digital effects used to look like a Syfy movie of the week but they seem to have made leaps in quality so you have to wonder if they don’t catch up at some point.

All they need now is an actual dumpster fire. Well and the dumpster exploding because it ain’t Bay without explosions.

Maybe Chinese ticket buyers are getting picky instead of just rushing off to whatever Hollywood dumps off on them. As the novelty of going to the movies wears off and they see more and more films it might be like in the US where we can pass on films.

But who is going back to cable on the off chance that Syfy could become Sci-fi again? All the cool kids cut the cord and now they either watch stuff streaming or if they want the retro trip they can get it over the air on things like Comet or MeTV.

Somewhere on the Death Star there was a Storm Trooper that was only three days away from retirement.

I’ll miss it in the it’s so bad it’s good sort of way. It was sort of the Plan 9 From Outer Space of superhero shows.