Ashley Blalock


So not only is the brand dead but the guy who saw the potential of the toy in the first place.

If the behind the scenes stuff is true then other wrestlers really seemed to like him backstage and just about everything I’ve heard is a really nice guy with a big heart. But the WWE writers just couldn’t come up with the right sort of material for him so to fans he just came off as another big guy with no real

We should use the bills proper name, the Don’t Care Act.

Prime did wear parts of the dead robot in Revenge of the Fallen so maybe doing a Buffalo Bill is just his thing.

Not a bad idea. With everyone beating the snot out of Nazis it’s kind of novel to find another group you can beat the crap out of without any moral questions attached to beating them.

The Achilles heel of science fiction logic. We’d like to think that we are so special and our planet is so special that aliens would just be lining up to invade our planet. Then once they got here the human spirit somehow crushes any and all advanced technology that could be thrown against us.


In a weird sort of way there is something oddly enjoyable about how much history a Trump supporter must scrub from their memory to say crazy shit like no other American President has ever been treated meanly.

Season one felt like a bit of a problem since it was a superhero world but SHIELD just seemed like tech support for when super science went wrong. Then at some point along the way hey powers, robots, all the cool comic book stuff, we can have plenty of that instead of just name dropping.

I don’t think it’s so much killing Zod as all the set up of super mopey goth Superman getting there and then Superman’s reaction to neck snapping is to look like he was passing a Kryptonite kidney stone. Snapping Zod’s neck is just the earwax candle on top of the poop cake so people tend to focus on that one moment

The movies have been dropping at least $50 million to $100 million domestically since the second movie. So the problem from the consumer end of things has shifted to places like China that will gobble up the very worst Hollywood can crap out.

Having seen what launches are actually like that is kind of a lot to ask people not to shit themselves.

Not the crew the passengers.

No flight until the next day but darn couldn’t they have rented a van and had a United Employ drive the bumped passengers the 4 hour drive to Louisville? It’s not like it’s a cross country trip. Or even an Uber that far is still cheaper than the ad campaign to fix the company image.  

Both seem to be master bullshit artist and given the crazy passionate defense by Bay fanboys and DC fanboys I wonder if Bay and Snyder don’t get wrapped up in their own bullshit sometimes.

Well since the article mentioned alternate universes there is one where Henry Cavill got to play a friendly, charming, likable Superman who just does the right thing because that’s what Superman does. But we live in the reality where someone said hey it will pack theaters if Superman is an over grown goth kid and Pa

Comics, cartoons, live action movies, and Marvel Legends figures. Given his powers it now seems odd that he wouldn’t have a metal cape he could use whenever he wanted instead of hoping an old Buick was just sitting close by.

Starting with Miles or not starting with Miles comes down to how close do you want to stick to the comic books. Some movies stick really close to the source material and only the costumes are changed to look better on film, but other times we’ve seen a studio alter things drastically from the source material.

Just him so that means it’s not going to be Cybertron which would be on Earth before the first film. Hum the time on Earth when it was a sleeping Jetfire and Megatron was frozen. Also a period when he can’t speak but has to use the radio to communicate. Gee what an exciting period to make a movie about.