Ashley Blalock

It just feels really weird in a world with so many costumed heroes that it’s so hard to find any costumed villians. It’s like it’s okay if you are a hero to have a costume but villains have to get by with street clothes. Or that with great power someone isn’t going to say I think I’m going to be an asshole with my

I do find a certain level of enjoyment to tormenting Bay fans with how band-aid fixes and soft reboots haven’t turned around the domestic box office.

I kind of think he does it at this point just to crush the dreams of anyone that dares to think if they can make great superhero movies then someone should be able to make at least a not so bad Transformers movie. Amateurs get to troll with a key board but when you go pro like Bay you can troll with multi-million

China does seem to be the sticking point since the domestic box office drops every film but the Chinese box office kicks in enough to keep these crappy films going and going. Although without being a co-production this time that means the cut of the box office will be smaller even if the box office stays the same in

At first I was you have to be shitting me. Then I remembered it’s PETA and all they do is stupid stuff instead of things to actually help animals.

I don’t think the problem is that people are taking another stab at old material but that people are using whatever worn out overused trend is being used on almost every damn thing.

Yea nothing really putting any faith in me at this point.

You have Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman but still can’t make a good film out of it. That’s not fail that’s epic fail.

The problem I see is that Ryan Reyonlds is seen as a fun guy thanks to how much people loved Deadpool. But the live action DC cinematic universe is not a fun place. So can Warner Brothers get the grim dark grim stick out of their butts to let loose a little or would a Ryan Reyonlds Green Lantern have to dower, grim,

I think the reason I fell out of anime for a while is because going from cable to just streaming it was kind of mess with shows here, shows there, and darn it why can’t I find that new Starblazers or the older Gundam series.

So Jughead will try to fuck—it’s a CW show after all.

After all we have heard about planet 9 from outer space we must name the new planet Ed Wood.

While Marvel Civil War and Batman v Superman were shockingly similar I think it comes down to style and tone.

Really a perfect film for the Razzies. It’s big budget, it made a lot of noise with it’s bombardment of advertising, it’s lit up the net with the fight between people who hated it and people who defend it. It’s not enough to just be bad you have to be loud, bad, and something people might have seen.

We have heterosexual couples in cartoons without having that couple rolling around in bed. In the DC cartoons we’ve had characters attracted to each other without showing those characters having sex. In those cartoons every heterosexual man is not having sex with every heterosexual woman on the cartoon.

You have to work in the international numbers to make the stinkers look good at the box office. Domestically the last movie only took in $245 million, not that good for a $210 million budget.

I find that I both disagree and agree with him.

I do like the training idea. The times I’ve volunteered for conventions getting dumped off in the deep end and best of luck has not been fun. It would also put a face to the people you are going to let down if you don’t show up for your shift.

It’s not completely unheard of for conventions to ask for a legal form of ID for picking up your attending badge just to be sure someone isn’t stealing another person’s name to get a free badge. So post convention it seems like they could compile some sort of list of the people who didn’t put in the time and just

I don’t think it’s not that people don’t appreciate someone doing something outstanding on a really rotten film, it’s just no matter how amazing one aspect of the film was it can’t really save a horrible film.