Ashley Blalock

To be fair other than Marvel/Disney has any studio really considered what if something goes wrong as they all dream of having cinematic universes like the Marvel films? Paramount for example is launching their Transformers cinematic universe with the second “soft reboot” in a row even though they have been seeing a

A better pitch might be “hey remember all the crazy stuff they did in the comic books and the cartoon, yea we are going there again”.

Alone on a spaceship without any contact with another living human, yea I’ve seen Red Dwarf.

It’s really no different than the Marvel movies that Disney puts out. The solo superhero films aren’t going to be as big as the big team up superhero films and that’s okay because Disney is still going to be diving into a big old pile of money like Scrooge McDuck. Rogue One was never expected to make Force Awakens

Three follow up films because Warner Brothers figured that we didn’t suffer nearly enough the first time.

Darn, too bad it’s not a 4" action figure.

Maybe it’s just because I’m a Spider Man fan since I was old enough to crack open a comic book but I can’t find anything wrong with the trailer. All the good old stuff I want for a nostalgia trip combined with some cool new takes on things to make it feel fresh.

Guess I’ll be the weird one and say I’m okay with the changes. I love the old classic Universal Mummy movies and the first Brandon Frazier Mummy movie was a blast, but times change and visuals have to keep up.

Ah one of those people who not only love to wallow in it but to take pride in it as well. Because movies can only be one thing or the other no way a movie could have both action and a good story at the same time.

Studio knows they have a dumpster fire as they go into the second “soft reboot” in a row. Kind of hard to polish that sort of turd themselves so arrange a set visit for people who will gladly toss away any sort of pretense of being objective for a set visit and let them polish the turd for you.

And that’s why the rest of us can’t get a good big movie out of Paramount. As long as people don’t care they just want things to blow up and a bunch of running around action then Paramount will continue to shove out bad Transformers, GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, and whatever else they don’t have to put a real effort into

After a couple of films where a random jumble of parts fights another random jumble of parts it all starts to get boring. Another search for a MacGuffin ending in another pile of dead bad robots, been there done that every Transformers film.

Ugh if there was one useless needless expanded cinematic universe that needs to crash and burn. Paramount is hey our other rotten films aren’t making bank so let’s just make a load of mindless Transformers movies.

Yep there is no amount of science, proof, facts, or reality to convince someone who has stepped out of sanity and into a conspiracy theory. Even if you could take them on a mission to the moon they would still say it was all fake or somehow they had been drugged.

It does seem like Hollywood is locked into patterns so I feared the budget would be too large and it would be another empty big film putting too much effort into selling a film series. Instead of a good story and excellent characters let’s drown the whole thing in the over use of CGI and hope people don’t realize how

Considering the Japanese used black face for the movie King Kong vs Godzilla I don’t think we can call Japan experts on what’s kosher and what is not on issues of racial representation.

Looking at the history of animation the back and forth influences between the United States and Japan has been good for all of geeks. If anything I’d like to see Hollywood get even more inspiration from talented creative people outside of Hollywood.

I also liked the idea to make the missions covert so you were not always left wondering why doesn’t Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman or another A list hero show up to deal with the problem. Or the episodes when they showed the Justice League was tied up with another mission so it wouldn’t feel like the other heroes were

Lordy, haven’t had this much smoke since General Sherman paid a visit.

I think you also have to factor in what are your friends willing to fight you over? What issues will people risk your friendship over?  Your friends aren’t always going to go to war with you over things because sometimes it’s just easier to avoid the fight. My friends don’t always call me out when I’m wrong about