Ashley Blalock

Paramount is a studio that has lost it’s domestic appeal and outside of Transformers it’s not exactly the biggest international appeal either. This is the same studio that couldn’t turn a big anniversary of Star Trek into a movie that will finish in the domestic top 10 this year.

In a way I kind of feel sorry for the people who actually believe stuff like the old cotton mill or the old steel mill is just going to open back up. The people that just don’t grasp why some places adapted to a changing economy and other places got left behind because they would not adapt.

I figured he’d just have some sort of holo-projector installed so that when Putin called he could kneel down and go “Yes my master”.

I’m a big Soundwave fan and I’m okay with it. I’ve got the car mode Soundwave from Animated and the really cool Laserbeak that transforms into an electric guitar. The weird alien truck mode Soundwave from the War for Cybertron toy series they did. The drone mode from Transformers Prime. So I’m okay with his various

My worry wasn’t if he put an R before his name or a D before his name. But it scares me to no end that Trump couldn’t pass even pass a basic civics test on what the different branches of government do or how government works.

I could see Warner Brothers not wanting to be like Paramount and Transformers. Transformers has been taking a domestic slide so that’s less and less from that nice domestic cut. Even with doing really well in China that wasn’t enough to keep the grand total between films 3 and 4 from dropping. A very good chance that

Sqidd I think we have to look at more than one armed insurrection and the circumstances of those conflicts.

Most of them will be key board warriors, talking big on-line but knowing they aren’t Rambo and you can’t overthrow the government with your AR-15. But for the really dangerous ones it’s a bad time because law enforcement has gotten better at stopping domestic terror threats before someone can act.

With so many poorly written big movies this year the rumor fits in with the uneasy feeling some people have developed that most Hollywood studios don’t really care if they have a compelling story with interesting characters.

I wanted to be open minded about the first one to give it a fair shot. So you shouldn’t feel too bad about at least giving the first movie a chance.

In defense of Mr. Mxyzptlk it is kind of amazing in the cartoon series that he could find time to mess with Superman when he had a super hot girlfriend as a distraction. Mr Mxyzptlk’s most amazing power is that the sawed off little runt landed Ms Gsptlsn.

Given all the bad movies made from Hasbro toys I’m pretty sure Hasbro isn’t concerned about movies tied to their brands actually being good.

Both provide transportation that moves the story along, both die because of a monster lurking in a hole in the ground.

I know the feeling. When the cut the cord and go streaming started out about all you needed was Netflix and Hulu. Then Amazon decided hey lets snag some content and make our own content as well.

I think there is something about the potential of characters that tends to intrigue people. Something that makes people want to fill in all the blanks when they have been given a tease of a character instead of a completely filled out character. A bit of mystery can blow up minor characters into something far bigger

Eh I have TV series and movie series I like cancelled all the time. If the numbers aren’t there to continue something then the numbers just aren’t there.

Can they really be shocked? The first movie ended up with bad buzz after the release not a movie everyone was loving. The movie didn’t look like it could decide what it wanted to be since they were mixing the new creepy Turtle look with nostalgia bait on Casey, Rocksteady, Bebop, and Krang. Paramount seems to be

To me it lacked any real passion. Sure the movie is no Oscar winner, more like if Plan 9 From Outer Space had singing, but that over the top crazy passion that was thrown into the film is what makes bad films fun. It should have sounded like actors were risking blowing out their vocal cords when they were singing, and

Good lord with as many of them that can fit into a tiny car then an army of clowns could pour out of a bus if they steal one.

I was a bit worried going into the article that I would be reading a long list of why I was the most horrible person to walk the face of the planet because every now and then I enjoy the silly fun of something ecchi that goes overboard with it.