Ashley Blalock

It did feel like they were fixing things without having to reboot the entire universe.

Better cartoon would be a welcome change. It seems like they went from a great Avengers show and great Spider Man shows in the past to two eh cartoons.

I’m usually on the cynical side myself when it comes to Hollywood but I’m almost willing to go with maybe just maybe someone in the studio system caught onto the idea that the big movies are getting to look so much alike that it’s all starting to bleed together.

I wasn’t too happy with the show last seasons. Heck there were a few times when it was rough sticking with the show. But if they can fix things in season two I’m willing to see where things are going.

When you see the movie you’ll understand.

Kind of interesting to see how our entertainment changes as our world view changes.

I figured there was a reason for her costume, to make sure I buy a ticket to see this movie. It has moved from something not on my movie radar to hey I need to go see this movie.

There was a grim dark period in comic books. Unfortunately Warner Brothers got this insane idea that grim dark was the only period in comic book history and decided they would offer up nothing in their movies for the comic book fans of eras other than the brief grim dark era.

Given how much I dislike Chris Pine as Captain Kirk I’m sure I would try to find a way to keep from spending time around him either.

In the very first episode there are a few lines about how the Robinsons are going to be the first ship and then other ships will follow. In later episodes you’d get some lines about if they had found the colony planet or not because the ships not thrown off course should have established the colony by then.

The designs lack enough color to keep track of who you are watching. When things get crazy with action you need quick ways to tell characters apart, that’s why Voltron gave the lions different colors instead of making them all the same color.

I think the problems for Hollywood will go beyond just the Chinese ticket buyer has noticed the pandering.

I have a bit of trouble with outrage myself. It seems like there are a lot of kids out there where they would be pretty close for the color. Heck there are some white kids that are rather brown after a long summer. But even if they weren’t it’s a kid’s costume. Are we going to make costume police for kids?

I watched the GI Joe A Real American Hero cartoon when it first aired. I’ve got more GI Joe and Cobra action figures than I can display at once. Heck I’ve got several costumes that I have worn to conventions to show just how big of a GI Joe fan I am.

Half ass would describe just about everything out of Paramount lately. Hard to say it’s amazing they dropped the ball on Star Trek when dropping the ball is all they know how to do any more.

It’s one heck of a head scratcher to figure out how Warner/DC can make such a big deal about the comic books, cartoons, animated movies, live action TV, and live action movies all being separate but then the constant dick move of live action TV can’t use characters because of the live action movies.

My problem has been that it’s often easier to find the illegal copy than to find a legit copy of something. I could go service to service and dig and dig to find that older Gundam series I’m looking for but it’s easier to search illegal means of getting it.

Looking forward to the tears of anger from the subset of fanboys that act like the murderverse is superior to everything else that has ever been done with comic book characters.

In the rush to please that tiny part of the fandom that gets off on grim, dark, grim, DC kind of forgot there are other types of fans out there. The occasional down and dark story is okay but when it all turns into never any hope, never any joy, and never a nice day for anyone ever then I find something else to watch.

Oh that would be something grand if a fun enjoyable Booster Gold movie could outshine all the grim, dark, grim, depressing, no reason to smile that Warner Brothers has been up to with their DC movie verse.