Ashley Blalock

Glad to know I’m not the only one that thought hey that looks kind of Klingon.

After the Suicide Squad footage and the Wonder Woman trailer this just feels eh. Nothing that really turns around the bad feelings I had after Man of Steel and Batman v Superman so I worry that it could be the same mess only this time with a bit of forced humor.

The pinnacle of geekdom has been reached, it’s all down hill from here.

It really varies from studio to studio and film to film.

I just like that they still play around that it is some sort of big secret the viewers can’t crack. You don’t exactly have to be Sherlock Holmes or Batman to figure out that Jon is a Targaryen.

If they were really going to freak out another animal then googly eyes for the win.

For the south by the time we get to trench warfare they were too low on resources to even think about building a tank. The idea of being able to mount an offensive was pretty much gone so the trenches were the hope that they could somehow dig in until the north got tired of an endless war.

A child taken away. It’s just too bad for the people behind the movies that the analogy would be Kal-El was taken away from Jor-El and Lara by the destruction of the planet to be raised by Martha and Johnathan Kent. One set of parents gets you the adventures of Kal-El but the other parents get you Superman.

So much going on at once yet people want to boil it down to something simple.

A creature that might try to kill and eat you sounds like how to get PTSD. What happened, did the Rebels run out of therapy tigers?

My worry is that it is like what people were saying when The Rock was in one of The Mummy films. The Rock was considered one of the best parts of the movie and thus to have stolen the movie in his small part of the film when it was him and not that sad attempt at early CGI.

If I understand what Universal is doing their films don’t have to connect to a wide monster universe right off the bat. So if one of their monster films don’t work as well as they like they can just scrap that film and try again with that monster later on.

Even if it had been a male cast of Ghostbusters people were going to rip on the movie as soon as it was announced because reboots, remakes, relaunches, and re-imaginations don’t have a good reputation. People ripped on the re-something of Robocop and it didn’t change the sex of the characters.

When someone asks if I would like margarine on something I usually reply with something along the lines of why don’t you just spit on my food while you are at it. I haven’t found it hard to cook with butter and the taste is totally worth the effort.

The idea that this will be some sort of stand about the roles women get to play in films and some sort of test to see if you are a misogynist just doesn’t set well with me.

If they were going for a gay character then they missed a grand opportunity by not having that character be Scotty and hiring Nick Frost to play Scotty’s partner. Not only a wink, wink, nudge, nudge to how many times Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have worked together but a fun little thing for the fans that know both

The last two movies have felt more like Bro Trek than Star Trek so I don’t have a lot of faith that somehow this movie is going to hit all the things that made me love every series except Enterprise.

It does feel like after Star Trek tried to get away from stereotypes that it is jumping into one by saying oh the actor was gay so now his rebooted character must be gay as well. Kind of funny that the 60's could say hey let’s have Sulu into fencing instead of Asian sword fighting but current era is hey putting a

If you know the Red Dwarf lines about the Flintstones then you know all you need to know about the Flintstones.

Nah now they do that flavored vodka and premium artisan spring water raised by hipster potato farmers stuff so you can’t just go in the liquor store and pop back out with a bottle any more. Takes forever to find just a plain old get wasted bottle of vodka.