Ashley Blalock

I think for years people have told themselves well it’s just one bad month, season, or year for movies surely Hollywood will learn something and we will get better movies next time. But movies haven’t been getting better they have been getting worse since they not only have to be bland enough for every part of the US

It’s not Batman it’s the Punisher with an unlimted budget, a butler, cooler gear, a cool car, a jet, and a cape. Take away all the bat themed stuff and give Ben Affleck a black teeshirt with a skull on it and it would have been hard not get confused about when The Punisher came into money.

Few things make me madder than someone ruining good food with margarine. It’s butter or get the hell out of my kitchen you no cooking hack. It’s not like that biscuit or cornbread muffin is magically going to get healthy by spreading crap on it instead of butter.

Just one of those badly kept secrets they think is still somehow a secert. Lots of people figured it out several books and several seasons ago but HBO doesn’t think that people can put it all together.

I think the value issue could be a problem.

Perhaps they could do something like a bit funny with alien cultures not understanding what some human words actually mean. I could even see how not being shackled to old outdated Network Standards and Practices could help other shows in the future on All Access.

It is a bit like saying well the Ebola Virus isn’t that bad because the Black Death was worse. Or saying Kim Jong Il didn’t kill as many people as Joseph Stalin so Kim must have been a pretty good person.

I think the huge unanswered question is why bother to distance yourself from something successful in the first place? Are people really going to say I watched one fun crowd pleasing movie this year so I’ve had my fill of enjoyable superhero movies for the year?

Yea Agents of SHIELD likes to name drop to attempt to tie it into the Marvel movies, but even when they brought on the Inhumans idea it still felt like a spy show with a few powers tacked on. Things I like about the Netflix series, but it feels like they keep shying away from the comic book things thanks to the lack

While I really, really, really, really, really, want a live action DC movie where I can say it was great I love that movie, the hopes of ever getting that have been crushed too much to build up any hope. After two films of fans of DC fun side get nothing it’s hard to think all of a sudden Warner Brothers will say hey

I feel like it is a bit like the comic book business. You can have a great long running series but at some point you need a point for new people to hop on board. As great as the Stargate TV series were that is a massive amount of really important points to a backstory. So based on the TV show, yea too hard to pull off.

#9 really needs to go since The Dark Knight was the only film that really pulled that off well. The other attempts at it have just made movies that should be fun into something that is not fun. If I wanted down, dark and depressing I can find it some place better than the mega budget action films.

Even for an apex predator you would still have to carry around some concern for injury. A bad kick, gore, or bite might leave you too injured to hunt so I’m sure somewhere in the cats mind there is the calulation of can I take something down without getting injured in process? Perhaps when eye contact is made the cats

Just so sick and tired of Bumblebee. With such a large roster of Autobots from the cartoons and comic books since the Transformers first rolled out it would be nice for the movies and cartoons to be something other than Bumblebee and the Autobots.

Not that different than how Kathleen Martinez was dismissed for not having a “proper” background in Egyptology only to make some amazing finds at Taposiris Magna after “proper” experts dismissed the site as having nothing of importance because it must be an unfinished temple. It’s even possible that Kathleen Martinez

On the bright side if it becomes trendy in Hollywood for dark, drab, dreary, depressing, bleak, grim, gritty, and joyless tones to get blamed for films not making the box offices studios wanted maybe we will get fewer films with a downer tone that never needed a downer tone in the first place.

Ha 46, so if you are ancient then I was there for the start of space/time.

Need to get packing those bags if you are going to Mars to escape whatever results we get out of the United States presidential elections :)

Looks like maybe 5 or 10 minutes of Trek stuff to call it Star Trek and then the rest of the film just your standard generic action film.

Okay first off let’s all take a moment of geeky glee to let it sink in that we will have a live action DC show every week night except Friday. Back in ye olde days who would have even imagined that many comic book shows in a week?