Ashley Blalock

Eh, as a James Bond fan you just get used to the fact that some other actor will take over the role of James Bond at some point. A bit like Doctor Who, if you can’t take other actors in the role then you just shouldn’t get into long running British series.

Good news would be if they were announcing that the movies were going to be fun and enjoyable instead of the depressing mess they have putting out. When they toss Zach Snyder over the side of the ship they need to toss the joyless film notion with him.

Yep perfect because if I’m a lonely scientist what is the first thing I’d make?

Ah Fox! The network that will kill Firefly in it’s first season but run Sleepy Hollow long after there is any reason to watch.

It feels like DC is really the only one doing the superhero TV thing right now.

Part of me is YES a Booster Gold live action movie. Between the cartoons, comic books, and the bits in one of the DC games, Booster Gold is a great character.

Keanu got like 76% on Rotten Tomatoes so that’s 3/4 of the critics saying not bad or pretty good. Sure Keanu isn’t a perfect movie but it’s not something where you can say I liked Keanu so I must not have taste in films.

Paramount doesn’t seem to have a lot to chose from at this point. It’s been a while since a Paramount film could fight for the top domestic box office hit for the year. Transformers keeps sliding domestically so it’s a franchise that has to hope the international numbers can prop it up. GI Joe only does so so at the

A fan of DC and a fan of villains so damn I’m hoping Suicide Squad is going to be a great film. But after so many disappointments from the DC Cinematic Universe I have more fear than hope at this point.

I think you are right. But I also think there might be a Fast and the Furious factor as well. The Fast franchise managed to turn things around without having to reboot and now too many studios think they can fix everything without any reboots. Sadly too properties are beyond saving but that doesn’t stop studio

The live action TV shows except for Gotham hey can’t wait to watch another one. Cartoons I’m kind of disappointed we don’t have more and that they would cancel things like Young Justice because Cartoon Network hates well made cartoons.

It does seem a bit crazy that Product Placement the Movie is being sued because there was so much product placement they forgot to place some products. On the other hand as bad as Transformers 4 We Are Out of Ideas was is it really such a bad thing that people don’t assoicate your product with such a rotten film?

When I consider Prime shipping, Prime TV, and Prime music, it really doesn’t seem like that much. Since I don’t have cable any more if something isn’t on Netflix there is a good chance I can watch it on Amazon’s streaming service.

Well there goes my theory that Chewbacca is her father and Rey just has a lot of free time to shave.

Kind of seems like he doesn’t need to call out superhero movies on their own when so many of the really big Hollywood films suffer from the exact same problems. These days you have to do a lot of digging to find the really good big films be it superheroes or some other theme.

Doesn’t really help that the first trailer they showed looked like Bro Trek instead of Star Trek. I’ve got a bad feeling that Paramount is going to take out as much of the Star Trek elements as they can except for some of the tech to make it just another boring generic action film that just happens to have a science

I find that it is rather detrimental to say we can no longer touch past fictional works because they might offend other people. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is important for understanding how white society viewed African Americans during the 1860's but now the book is so taboo most people will not read it. Birth of a Nation can

I’d rather the show go out big and on top rather than fading away to almost nothing. Better to end like Newhart with people talking about that ending rather than end up like Heroes where people just didn’t care any more.

It’s possible to do both dark and fun at the same time. Thus why we have descriptions like dark comedy, grim humor, and all the other ways we describe things that somehow manage both dark and fun at the same time.

Too many shows seem to think they can be Game of Thrones if they just kill a lot of characters like Game of Thrones does. It’s getting to the point where I wish the Game of Thrones effect was for more boobs and dragons rather than killing more characters.