Ashley Blalock

It is not necessarily a bad thing on the part of the film makers nor does it mean that people are just that thick these days. Some issues are just tricky where there isn’t a clear cut answer to right or wrong. It’s why people debate security vs freedoms because both sides can make strong good points.

As someone who read both Marvel comic books and DC comic books as a kid I’m going to have to disagree since I’m not a Marvel fanboy or a DC fanboy.

Squirrel Girl should pop up in the next Spider-Man because if Marvel/Disney isn’t getting around to the live action version of the character someone should. Plus it might add an element of fun when people want fun out of a Spider-Man movie.

Sure we had to see it coming. Marvel/Disney use Spider-Man in their movie to make an insanely large pile of money. Sony gets to use more of the Marvel film universe in their Spider-Man movie and they make an insanely large pile of money. Marvel/Disney movies fuel the Sony movies and the Sony movies fuel the

You have to factor in several things.

I don’t think it was ever about if Batman v Superman could make money but more of could this one film launch a film franchise so massive it would instantly be up there with Marvel and Star Wars.

Well at least now we know what the DC stands for. Depressing Cinema.

Sadly people will pay to see anything Hollywood poops out just as long as it was marketed well. Really hard to put any pressure on Hollywood for better films when too many people just don’t care about the quality of the movies they pay to see.

It is not even a safety issue, it is just another way to hit the working class up for more money without calling it an income tax. Gov. McCrory loves to nickle and dime the heck out of people that can’t afford it.

It is not there can never ever be a grim, dark, gritty movie it’s just that it feels overdone at this point. To me it feels like the tone is not added to tell a better story but rather because it is a trend that every studio wants to jump on because Nolan found so much success with his version of Batman.

I have the very bad feeling that if this film finds any sort of box office success that Warner Brothers will keep doubling down on the grim, dark, gritty, and depressing until Games Workshop will think they can sue in court for Warner Brothers ripping off the tone of Warhammer 40K. Of course they will lose the case

Opening weekend was never really a question because you’ve got two of the biggest names in pop culture and Warner Brothers has spent a mind blowing amount of money plastering ads for this movie anywhere they could plaster an ad.

It’s really hard to find any science papers that have been written out of the whale hunts thus why the reason the Japanese give for the hunt is seen as the flimsiest of flimsy excuses. It’s also not like whale meat is in high demand in Japan but rather there is a flaw to Japan’s national character that makes them

Oh how much distaste I have for “Like turn your brain off bro because thinking is stupid bro”.

Thanks for pointing out that huge miss by the article. Every time I see the entrance to Cheyenne Mountain the first thing I always think is that’s where they keep the Stargate at. It’s really a hard snub after the location is like a second home for SG-1 fans.

While Civil War will have a load of characters there are a lot of characters that have already been established in the Marvel/Disney cinematic universe. It’s easier to have Falcon show up when he’s already shown up in another film rather than just showing up in a film packed with new characters.

Depends on the issue. In some cases China is doing more than the US to tackle a problem. But when it comes to stupid home remedies like rhino horn to get a boner China is way, way, way behind the US.

While the upcoming movie will be the first Wonder Woman live action movie she did get a live action TV series, an animated movie, and a big part in the cartoon team shows. Yea it’s like pulling teeth to get Hollywood to give female superheroes their own live action movie, but it’s not like Wonder Woman hasn’t been an

The too serious tone slathered in dark, grim, and gritty is what has me worried the most. For me personally the too serious for it’s own good just kills my enjoyment of a movie.

It’s one of those 5 screen theaters but the seating for the screens isn’t the same so it’s two screens with lots of seats and three screens with limited seating. Not sure how much space they take up with their church service but the parking lot seems pretty full on Sunday mornings.