Ashley Blalock

My local theater doesn’t show movies on Sundays until after 1:00pm because of tradition and it being a pretty big church town. Instead of just sitting empty on Sunday morning they rent the place to a church since the church only needs a building once a week.

Reading the headline my first thought was hey how do we know that humans have reached our evolutionary peak? If we haven’t stopped evolving then in one billion years we might be vastly different than the humans of today.

What’s funny is they all rush out to say their second film is like The Empire Strikes Back but the end of all these second movies have the heroes win. If your second movie is going to be like The Empire Strikes Back then the heroes have to be beaten, in a bad situation, and on the run at the end of the movie.

It would be nice if the re-shoots made it Star Trek instead of Bro Trek. But it’s Paramount so I’m not banking on the studio going how can we make people happy that don’t use the word bro or bra.

I read Justice League Europe when it seemed like I was the only person at the comic book shop reading it, I make Booster Gold jokes even though most people go who, and I’ve watched just about every DC cartoon from Super Friends to the direct to video movies. So hardly what you’d call a Marvel fanboy that’s Marvel or

At some point I wouldn’t be shocked if the NFL didn’t change up the salary rules. All the ways to work around the rules rather defeats the whole purpose of having a rule to spread out the good players instead of a few teams being able to just buy up all the good players.

The way the Denver defense was playing John Elway could have came out of retirement and won that game.

Both healthy and that the coaches on the other teams don’t find some weakness in the defense that can be exploited. Putting everything into defense can work for a while but it’s hard to remain on top without some offense.

It seems like there are a lot of things that could have helped the movie but the production team was so caught up in their version they couldn’t see how little things count.

Now if there was just a poison bullet, punt off a space ship, dive into the Fortress of Solitude to fix movie Superman.

I’m sick of grim, dark, gritty, no fun, down, depressing, and a world so gone to crap why bother to save it. I really want some escapism rather than hey look the superhero world is just as crappy as the real world.

I think you can agree that it’s a bit weird how some other people attack the concept of fun. If you say fun then some people go well then there can never be anything serious about it, it can never have bad things happen, no one can ever die, and it will be too kiddy for adults. That fun must be avoided at all cost.

As long as it’s not just World of Warcraft orcs I want some Warhammer 40K orcs as well.

It seems like it could really go either way. Either it’s something brilliant and we can rejoice in a cunning plan working out, or it’s going to be a horrible idea that only fuels the fires of anger.

Hey Superman fans all the stuff you wanted. Just not in the first movie because we had to be some angst driven goth version of Superman with no confidence and not in the second film because we had to have a testosterone driven pissing contest between him and Batman. But between films all the Superman goodness you were

More Asian character in Marvel would be cool. But Asian so you must be some sort of samurai, ninja, or martial arts master is not the way to go.

Maybe it’s like the episode of Almost Human where the guy had too many hangups about humans but he was okay with the robo-hooker. Can’t take other humans for some reason but you still want sex maybe $6,500 seems like a deal.

You could build a fine collection of some of Hollywood’s most iconic films out of the movies that somehow got screwed over at the Oscars.

Yea it was disappointing that Chris Rock didn’t include all the other minorities that don’t get the roles. It’s not like each group gets to have someone host the Oscars so it’s not like an Asian, Native American, or Latino host next year can say hey you notice how we don’t get nominations because we don’t get the

It could be because it’s still pretty hard to sell people on alternate history so with only a bit out there authors have been focused on the big events their possible readers might know at least a little about. Too many people seem to sleep in history class but with so many World War II and Civil War movies people at