Ashley Blalock

When I think Star Trek and porn I always think First Generation. The way Captain Kirk would screw just about anything that was female and humanoid it’s just fitting for any porn crew that could afford that much green body paint.

I think you also have to look at how being in the trenches of World War I limited Hitler’s understanding of warfare. Instead of heavy bombers the aircraft had to be infantry support aircraft. With no understanding of navel warfare Hitler would flood a vast amount of resources into huge battleships rather than

If it was the History Channel and they didn’t find anything then they could say it was aliens.

Nope, not tired about hearing about Fury Road at all. I hope people keep talking about until every last suit in Hollywood gets it.

Maybe I’m just weird but I don’t mind if Hollywood is attempting to tell longer stories spaced out over many films. I’ve read book series, I read comic books in my younger days where issues would tumble into other issues, and I’ve watched long running TV series. As long as it’s kept interesting I’ll keep watching.

I’ve got my hopes pinned on campy. Sometimes it seems like entertainment forgets just how fun campy can be.

Yep we do tend to think that since we are reasonably intelligent life forms that anything else intelligent out there is going to be exactly like us and develop technology in exactly the same way.

It seems like people always want to over simplify human sexuality. If you would just do X you would have a girlfriend or boyfriend. If you only did Y you would have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Change one thing or another thing and all of a sudden you will go from undesirable to highly desirable.

I’m sure the Warner Brothers excutives will be we want to do a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle movie but could you make them both just like Batman?

Nice in theory but in real world conditions I see a lot of what we would term “nice guys” that are rejected left and right as undateable while I see lots of women in relationships with just absolutely horrible men.

Given that I’ve never been rejected by a robot for not being tall enough or not good looking enough, that I’ve never had a dating disaster with a robot, and I’ve never gotten PTSD from being married to a robot, there is only one clear conclusion.....

That’s so over the top insane that now I feel like there is a great void out there if they don’t do an episode like that.

I’d also put a large question mark on if there is something there. If there is anything it is going to require people that know what they are doing since we don’t know what condition things might be in if there is actually anything there at all.

I’m looking at all this and my thought is gold, maybe maybe not. But what could be a real treasure is tanks, equipment, or other artifacts from the era that might still be intact that could be recovered for museums. Definitely worth digging up but worth digging up in a careful and scientific way to unwravel the

That’s so very true. I think the only time I remember a studio bashing the previous film was when Paramount had the production team bashing Transformers Revenge of the Fallen to promote Transformers Dark of the Moon.

Even if my some insane feat of film making they could salvage it all and produce a really great Fantastic Four movie there would still the massive problem of marketing the film. Once you get tainted as bad as this film did it’s going to be hard to convience people to buy a ticket after the previous film was the poster

I’m 5’6” but due to either my build or my personality I somehow come off as even shorter. I’ve often wondered if so many of those rejections of being too nice of a guy or other excuses were just women not wanting to say I’m too short and too slight.

But remember to only use the parts of the book that support whatever sort of argument you are trying to make and always ignore the parts that would make you wrong :)

It does seem like we go on the assumption that any life out there would communicate with us in whatever form of communication we were using at the time. Before writing people would figure that anything wanting to communicate would have to do that face to face because there wasn’t a concept of communicating any other

Part of me is oh yea! But after the sea of Deadpools at Dragon Con a part of me is oh no!