Ashley Blalock

Glad you put that up because it’s also a pet peeve of mine for people to call something non-lethal when it is actually less-lethal. A bit like how people would say things like bullet-proof vest when the vests were just bullet-resistant.

I’m starting to look at the NFL in the same way as I look at the WWE, more sports entertainment than an actual competition.

I agree as long as studios are pumping out enjoyable films I’m happy to show up at the theater to see them. I’m a fan of spy movies so for me it’s been a great years with Kingsman, Spy, Mission Impossible 5, and I’m all sorts of pumped up for James Bond’s next adventure. I’m sure not complaining that I had too much to

I’m glad you posted this. Too often people think films are just released into a vacuum and it’s just the fickle whim of the moment as to why things do well or why they fail. Ignoring how major cultural events can shape our entertainment.

I think Steven Spielberg was also the person predicting the end of the super mega budget summer roller coaster popcorn film years and years ago so while Spielberg is a talented film maker he’s horrible at predictions about the film industry.

Female lions liking big manes has already been covered well so I’ll throw out the other factor.

I just got back from Dragon Con and while I hang out with a good number of my fellow geeks online it’s just not the same as that connection of talking to someone in person. Going out to eat with some friends is just so different than catching up with events on Facebook.

Since humans are social creatures I wonder if cutting out more and more human interaction is really good for us.

Since we don’t have a Star Trek, Stargate, or Firefly on TV I’m going to say we don’t have enough shows. Other people might be getting shows but science fiction going out into the stars is still pretty slim pickings.

I think legacy depends on what Tom Brady does after he retires from the field. Right now if you aren’t a Patriots fan it’s far too easy to hate Brady but no one throws the football in the NFL forever.

Religion became another tool for control. If you were a good little slave you would break free from your suffering with a paradise after your death but if you were bad even worse torment waited you after death. It gave masters the threat of you will burn in hell if you use suicide to escape from slavery.

I agree if you can’t be a public servant to all the people then you don’t need to be in government work or run for office in the first place.

I find it a bit of overkill as well. While some airports are busy around the clock there are other airports like the one near me where there are very few flights going in or out. About the busiest the little airport gets is when the airshow guys practice on the weekend or when the Air National Guard is training. The

While Jerry Richardson does have more than enough questionable in his past it’s kind of hard to paint the guy a certain way when he’s also the guy that gave $10,000 to each of the families that lost loved ones in the Charleston church shooting.

Oh darn like I wasn’t already looking forward to the show now they have to go and do something that makes me say I need this show. Looks like Flash and Supergirl are going to be my retreat from dark, gloomy, no one ever has a good day ever versions of DC.

While I liked some of the ideas the idea of using that much cardboard didn’t seem like a great idea if you were going transport it anywhere and it seemed like you were just asking for heartbreak if some bumped into your gun or something at a convention.

I think for Warner Brothers it’s because The Dark Knight made tons of money and Green Lateran failed. Now they could have looked at all the factors that made one super popular and the other one something people want to forget but instead the only lesson they seemed to take away was dark sells happy doesn’t.

After they teased hobbit on hobbit sex on the side of the volcano in The Lord of the Rings I’m not falling for the tease of sex in the Hobbit films even if it is bumped up to rated R.

Maybe DC needs a model of some change instead of hey let’s throw out everything and totally change the entire universe. Some titles to keep the old familiar that makes people happy but some titles to shake things up to keep it interesting and build the buzz of hey you need to check out this title because it’s

It’s funny that China wants to be seen as a first world nation full of class and sophistication yet they still cling to boner pills made out of endangered species and they flock to the crappiest movies Hollywood can squeeze out.