Ashley Blalock

Warner Brothers seems too dead set on making the DC Universe the darkest grimmest place in the movie universe. It’s like someone said we have to make these movies so dark and grim that the Warhammer 40K Universe seems a bright cheery place by comparison.

The only characters that should fear Superman are characters like Lex who only see the power and not the good moral person Superman is. People that fear nothing could handle that sort of power and still be a force of nothing but good. The people who’s fear is not based on facts but how power could corrupt.

At this point it kind of feels like fans building up a crazy hope that somehow now life will mean something to Superman after the failure of the first film to capture that idea that Superman finds life so precious that he’s the natural nemesis of Darkseid.

One edge that movies have that TV doesn’t have is that the movie industry will still try to revive old things even when there is a failure. It’s sort of an attitude sure Fantastic Four flopped but Jurassic Park made an insane amount of money. TV on the other hand ignores the successful raising of a show from the grave

When people say Brave and the Bold I then to think of the cartoon series since it had it’s outrageous Aquaman.

It would almost be as bad as saying something had x amount of George power. Do you go by the strongest guy named George? The average of every guy named George? Just the young guys named George? Toss out the guys named George who were sick the day you said how much can you lift?

I live in a rural area but they keep the local prison lit up like Tatooine at noon all the time so only a few stars to be seen on even the best of nights. I sometimes envy the places where you can see thousands of stars at night.

Now if they could just teach Hollywood how to put on pants on that Thing.

Looks like Lego just came out with the perfect hair to make a Julie Newmar Catwoman figure.

I feel like studios have over used dark, grim, gritty, realism, down, depressing, and no fun to the point where it’s hard to get excited about a studio attempting to turn something into their version of Batman. Even if the movie didn’t have all the problems I still wasn’t excited about a dull, dreary, no fun version

Not too crazy about the current direction Warner Brothers is going with it so instead I’d like a Batman Brave and the Bold movie with Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jason Momoa’s Aquaman. Why so serous all the time when they have actors who know how to have a little fun?

Oh great now my friendly neighborhood opossums are going to be like hey man while you are at the grocery store how about picking us up some bananas. My ex-wife was terrified of them but my relationship has been you aren’t bothering me, I’m not bothering you, so why can’t we all get along. Fairly laid back little

Because the world is a changing so it’s more like the real world to get rid of the gender sterotypes. Women aren’t restricted to just certain jobs like in the ye olde days so if women can join the military then why restrict the military role playing gear to just the boys section? Cooking isn’t just a girl thing in the

I don’t think Marvel/Disney would be jumping to make a Fantastic Four movie right away even if Fox sold the rights back for almost nothing. But there are elements from Fantastic Four that Marvel/Disney could use without using Reed, Sue, Johny, and Ben. Doctor Doom that looks like comic book Doctor Doom could fit lots

Space Battleship Yamato should also give you a bad feeling about a Japanese studio adapting a cartoon to live action. Comic book superheros have found a way to transition into live action but it seems like anime just doesn’t make for a good leap in formats.

In the age of streaming and Blu-Ray it’s kind of insane that they make it so difficult for people to watch legal copies. A run on TV and then nope you people are never going to get to see this again. I know I’ve done a lot of searches on streaming services only to come up empty handed.

I think it all comes down to what sort of Gambit movie we are getting.

If you aren’t going to eat it and it isn’t harming you then hell yea it’s disgusting. I could see hunting wild hogs since they are such an ecological disaster and people will eat them. But killing wolves for no good reason is all sorts of wrong and I think it takes a pretty evil person to do something like that.

The best I can figure is that big game trophy hunters need to spend some quality time with a skilled mental health expert. Something just has to be broken inside if you see a large magnificent animal and your thought is I want to kill it just to watch it die.

Would not be shocked if cats didn’t have something to do with the fall of the Roman Empire. Because you can have cats or you can have nice things but you can’t have both.