Ashley Blalock

I’ve listened to a lot of story tellers and no one could tell a story better than Piper. I had one my top five hangovers before his Dragon Con panel and he was the best I ever heard. Had to get up way too early and drive a long ways for another Piper panel but damn if you ever heard him tell stories about wrestling

I’m an omnivore but if you need a solution then fine.

Go to Arby’s you said. What’s the worst that could happen you said. Now I’m going to be cleaning super diarrhea out of this onesie for a week.

I could see it. With the battle to be the top dog of streaming heating up it seems like a smart move for Netflix to have something pop culture big to say if you are having to pick just one or two services pick us.

When it said bonkers Spiderman rumor I was expecting something really insane given what Sony has done to Spiderman like Bill Cosby staring as Hypno-Huster, or the next Spiderman movie was going to be a musical.

It’s kind of weird.

Given Chris Pine’s lack of acting skills we can only hope he’s knocked out the entire movie.

Yep any list without Space Wolves is a bad list. Space Vikings that are so tough and bad ass that the Imperial Guard’s battle tank is named after the chapter’s Primarch. No Bjorn the Fel-Handed, no Wolf Lord Logan Grimnar, no Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane, or Wolf Priest Ulrik the Slayer.

They get the special sensitity because the Chinese governent can block any film from entering the nation over even the slightest perceived kind of sort of maybe insult.

Wait you haven’t had to explain magnets to your friend have you? Their taste in music might explain why they don’t get things.

I think the rule of thumb should be that if it is a movie by Paramount about something you once enjoyed then be prepared to be disappointed.

I think it has to do with the poor choice to call them dwarf planets. Dwarf carries a lot of negative connotations with it outside of a game of D&D so if dwarf is insulting to humans the leap is that it must also be insulting to other things. If they had renamed them something like Kuiper planets there would not be

I think it depends on what you want out of a superhero movie since while we might all be superhero fans different elements of a superhero movie have a different weight for fans.

I’m a fan of slap stick and just love ‘em. It is kind of like the Three Stooges if they had hundreds of Curly.

I think maybe the approach should be to make it a mark of shame. Start a program that would spread the idea that only stupid backwards ignorant people use it and with the human need to be popular the demand would go down. Shaming sometimes works better than educating.

We have seen all sort of mashup ideas with science fiction that I’d up for a combination of an Edwardian style society in either space or the far future. Seems like there are all sorts of ways you could go with it like a ship devided by class, a colony world, or robots as the lower classes.

I’m guessing if it’s like most places that cats were the idea to get rid of the rats that Europeans tend to bring with them. But I don’t think anyone really thought out the problem of domestic cats being too darn adaptable.

Given their level of success against the cane toad I’m expecting feral cats numbers to get even worse.

I wonder if this means Avatar: The Legend of Korra is silkpunk or is there too much of a Western tech aspect for it to count?

It’s really too bad that baby Clark couldn’t have been found by Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Little skinny Peter Parker couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag and they are still be a good person Peter and do the right thing. Wimpy Steve Rogers keeps trying to do the right thing without power.