Bernie Sanders vs Trump would have been a slam dunk. He was and is the most popular politician in the country. Once again Hillary Clinton supporters blame everyone but Hillary for losing the election.
Bernie Sanders vs Trump would have been a slam dunk. He was and is the most popular politician in the country. Once again Hillary Clinton supporters blame everyone but Hillary for losing the election.
May I join you?
Prepare yourself for Hillary supporters that are indistinguishable from Trump supporters in their inability to admit their candidate was/is an asshole.
Yes, lets’ all attack Bernie Sanders for being whats wrong with this country. While were at it, let’s also cut off our own noses to spite our faces...
Before I even read any of the comments.
No no no. You’re getting it all wrong. High end audio is about listening to endless configurations and, in the end, never buying anything. I spent a lot of good years doing that...
This is so deliciously good.
The Black Sea Fleet is already parked in Crimea...always was.
Honda. Hatchbacks. FOREVER.
You say it like Hillary didn’t break her agreement to debate Bernie again before California.
I can’t see a downside. Bernie is a pro, and he’ll dismantle Trump piece by tiny piece. Upside for the Dems, a much more public version of Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter war with El Drumpfo. If, by some longshot, Bernie became the nominee, he’ll have already embarrassed the Donald on a national stage. If the more likely…
so because she refused a debate, the mean ol mens shouldn’t have one? lol, the old lady had her a chance and she took her ball and went home, so fuck her.
Except the ‘far left’s’ beliefs are far more sane and popular to the general populace than the ‘far right’s’
These are people who would have stayed home were it not for Bernie, but I agree they need to stay in and organize. I would like to see some kind of strategy for translating this to organization going forward. Bernie needs to be a Goldwater for the real left wing.
I believe he’s already said multiple times that he isn’t running as a third party candidate because his main goal short of a nomination is to keep Trump from winning.
comparing one of the two candidates in an undecided democratic primary to third-party general election candidate Ralph Nader is pretty ridiculous
No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.
Everyone is fine to have their opinions, but I am an environmental scientist with a biology background, and I don’t know anyone actually in science concerned with GMO’s. It’s such a weird thing to fight against to me.. They are not unhealthy and are typically much better for the environment when they can be bred not…
Alice Bag is phenomenonal. A good overview of their human-owned farm destruction is the Future of Food.
Which aisle at Best Buy can I pick that up in?