
@kratos76: It wasn't really pretentious, seeing as the OP referred to it as an SSD card.

@Trai_Dep: Yeah, but iTunes on Windows makes you install a bunch of crap you don't want necessarily, like Quicktime and Bonjour.

Vote: None.

@Posco Grubb: I knew about the version number. I meant the "Vista re-dressed" part. It's just boring at this point in time, when we both know that 7 is leaps and bounds above calling it that.

Is it just me, or did anyone else find the iPad presentation actually pretty unprofessional and unpolished in feel? It just felt cobbled together, especially the way Steve spoke for most of it.

@mawcs: This is an excellent point. A lot of times when people talk about how things used to be and such, they forget that just because something is easy to do because you're used to it doesn't necessarily make it intuitive or well designed.

@EmmaFrost: Or, you know, make it with those ingredients and realize that good taste can still come from common household/cheap ingredients and that it's really not necessary to be snobbish for zero reason.

@Gabe Herbert: Yes, because Apple's walled garden approach to an OS isn't crippled in any way whatsoever, amirite?

@Unionhawk: Compared to Avast or AVG, McAfee is definitely more bloated. And isn't free.

@veronykah: I can definitely attest to Tiger Balm helping with any kind of insect bite very, very well. #remedies

@mfusion: I said "goggles"....

@jerkstore99: 2 different OS's? I run Linux on my one laptop and OS X on my Macbook. There are times, even with my three monitors on my main system, that I'll use my Macbook or Linux laptop off to the side when working or just goofing off in general. #workspaces

I'm honestly glad that Palm got slapped down like this. The method by which they had the Pre syncing with iTunes was ludicrious. Not to mention, it was one of their selling points when marketing the device. Why on earth they couldn't have tried to negotiate something with Apple, or you know, stopped being lazy and

@RoFLKOPTr: "I can tell you this much... nobody in a sane state of mind would go so far as to purchase an iPod just because it's the only thing that iTunes will sync to."

@SushobhanaKabobber: Absolute fail on your part. Apple isn't restricting your purchases or even your ability to transfer your bought music over to your Pre at all. All they've done is prevent you from doing it from iTunes, which they are in every way allowed to do so.