
I mean... it certainly takes a level of stupid to believe in any of that stuff, but in my experience, most of the time they’re reasonable, friendly people who haven’t heard a decent counterargument against any of it. They usually have legitimate grievances, but they’re kind of like cave men trying to understand

Can’t they just hire the guy that did Flexo?


Here’s my thoughts, and they suck, because it’s slightly political....ish.

Basically, Big Oil has SUCH a huge lobby that I just don’t see them turning loose of that kind of revenue any time soon.

Plus factor in the amount of infrastructure upgrades we’ll need to EV’s, and I’m pretty sure that your Jeep won’t make it

Modest Mouse is a great band, and Marr is right that they are, indeed, better than the Smiths.

Now playing

Holy crap the seasons of this are so far apart I always forget that it exists and what happened last season.

Nuff said.

Speaking of the cutting room floor: the AV Club!

For the record, I accidentally wrote “Oil Fitler” in my initial draft, and I’m not sure why I changed it given how badly this filter wants to ruin lives.

I agree snow tires are better, but I’ve found my cooper AT3's to be surprisingly good in snow out my way, and since snow is only in the mountains by me, I much prefer having a single set of tires I can use everyday, its not perfect but having an entire different set of snow tires where I am doesn’t make sense

Your clutch doesn’t need an adjustment, you need a new throwout bearing (and you might as well put a clutch in it while you are in there). But it might go a long, long time like that, just don’t hold the pedal to the floor at lights - put it in neutral and let the clutch out to save as much wear and tear as possible.

My Gen 3 Camaro had the same problem with the shifter popping up and down. It’s the rear transmission mount. In the 3rd gens, it’s a liquid filled mount that’s prone to failure and expensive to replace thanks to relative rarity of manual transmission cars. Hopefully the 4th gen version has a more replaceable part. On

Yeah, give the PR guy a raise. This was probably cheaper than buying a TV ad and I’m sure will sway a lot more buyers to shop at their dealership instead. 

I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.

If you say “Paul Walker” three times in the mirror, DwayneTheRockJohnson appears and calls you a candyass.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson isn’t really a person, and hasn’t been for years, he’s a limited liability corporation with a score of employees, including in the communications department.  This was crafted by someone whose job it is to speak for Johnson while he squats a VW and eats entire chickens.

As a fan/enabler of your exploits, I think there’s something unique with your situation that makes it easier to part with each car - most of the vehicles you choose are destined for the junk yard. You do the impossible/not-recommended repairs. Welding new frames, finding new engines... you name it.

Hes saying he needs something that doesn't piss off his wife or his girlfriend!

He wrote really entertaining pieces about cars. He then branched out into videos, and that paid a lot more. His writing is better than his videos, but money is money.