not working

I wanted to go to a university that sent me a brochure with a SUPER HOT guy on it, so I could meet him, but mom killed my dreams and told me they just use stock models :(


I chose my major (and thus, my university) because I wanted to meet Guns 'N Roses. My mother thankfully never found this out.

I just don't understand why he immediately went there because he thought someone was making fun of him. That's honestly terrifying.

OMG, when you are so useless that you start whining about WHO YOUR FUCKING DADDY IS, you have lost. Also, try not to incite other asshats to rape and bullying just because somebody hurt your fee-fees.

Note: As soon as you trot out "MY DAD IS IMPORTANT" you've lost the argument and everyone is embarrassed for you.

I feel like you should have your adult card (seeing rated R movies, buying alcohol, voting, that sort of thing) revoked when you say things like, "My daddy knows some pretty important people."

If it were a business arrangement, why not keep it going forever (or at least 'til it ceases to be useful and you can replace it with something better)? You can have your romantic relationships on the side regardless. There are very few other people who Beyonce could have "business arrangements" with (and who would be

Costco and Sam's essentially do the same thing. They don't care about profits on gas, and sell it wholesale (which is essentially what this city is doing.

Thanks for being the voice of reason in this thread. Bateman wants to ignorantly cast the issue as Upstanding Corporation vs. Evil Municipality, and the much more important point is what you've stated: that the societal good of lowering gas prices is well worth whatever pressure it puts on privately owned filling

I was going to post exactly this - on BG, every marriage is a sham, every man is gay, every woman is addicted to drugs and alcohol - I think a huge percentage of blind items are just shots in the dark and if someone happens to fit the bit, it's considered a hit, similar to psychics.

marriage is a business arrangement and treating it as a business arrangement is just as honest as marrying for love. Tax breaks, estate rights, insurance claims, legal rights, social status and gains, and much much more. If it a "true" marriage was just about love for one another, then why bother with all the legal

You've said a lot, but not once have you mentioned what those tactics would be.

Blind Gossip reports that pretty much every relationship between two famous people is a business arrangement. It really doesn't matter if it's true or not, because there's no way to find out, and then when they break up, they can say they were right. Because real couples never break up, only fake ones.

What slope might that be?

That is why you think they were created. They were really created for the common good, this gas station can also be for the common good. There is no reason why gasoline sales cannot be treated in the same manner.

What slippery slope?
To treating this like a utility? Good!

I'll give you an example: USPS is government-owned, but it competes with the likes of UPS and FedEx in the market. We have socialized the costs of USPS, but it's still a for-profit service that operates within a capitalistic society.

If the private gas stations are really not jacking up the prices, then they won't have a problem competing with the public station.

Has a dick pic ever worked for anyone ever? "You have deplorable table manners, your stance on same sex marriage is alarming, and your relationship with your mother has a distinct Psycho vibe. However, your penis is pleasingly shaped and the crown has a certain joie de vivre. How soon can we marry?"