I don't get why if they set it in America a white actress would still be ok. There are Asian Americans.
I don't get why if they set it in America a white actress would still be ok. There are Asian Americans.
They aren't clearly white. They're given Japanese names because they're Japanese people. When an anime character is white or anything else it is abundantly clear that they are said race either by stating it or through the use of stereotypical mannerisms and/or facial features. Sometimes it borders on offense when it's…
No. Manga drawings are of Japanese people. It's made overtly clear when a character is white or another race. Sometimes offensively stereotypically clear. Anime and manga is is drawn to be representative of Japanese people period unless the character is referred to otherwise. They may not look stereotypically Asian to…
Yeah I don't think other countries are doing that because they have a plethora of white actors to use. Plus Despite Asians being a global majority they don't see themselves in media often. Nor are portrayed past a stereotype. So putting themselves in local rehashes of popular films is a way to cope. American media is…
Typing on my phone. Ugh so many errors. *why would THEY choose a white actor? As if there aren't any Asian Americans.
Even if they set it in America why would choose a white actor? As if they're aren't Asian Americans??