Twisted Time

Name-calling reduces any portion of your opinion to warm jello

How would his height be part Of any discussion, your opinion of his intellect is totally subjective!  Considering that you find the need to comment on his height, I find your subjective opinion to be unworthy of consideration!!

As long as Democratic Socialist “The View” viewers who are watching this idiotic show are making the Economic platform the safe bet is on the Republicans.

Who gave us the "Bank Bailout" and never asked for interest to be paid back as well as the principal

Just for the record Natzis we’re soldiers that we’re turned on their own citizens. ICE are not soldiets and deportation does not apply citizens. The exception to this is of course if ICE doesn’t catch up with you fast enough and you give birth to a U S. citizen. The citizen is welcome to stay. It may seem harsh, but

Totally agree as a woman so often you hear " oh the women and children" right up to "You must do this or you can't do that because I am a woman"

It is so tiring seeing so many people go to the default xenophobic card all the time. I am just as concerned about the European young woman who overstayed her Visa. I will not be happy until we have Immigration Laws. (Oh I forgot we DO have immigration laws).  

Totally agree about jailing CEO’s, HR personnel Bookkeepers. I am sick and tired of hearing about rotting crops, Americans unwilling to do “the dirty” work. Almost all Americans will perform an honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage. (Keyword honest). Until owners are willing to accept an honest profit and stop

The only thing that I can add to your reply is under E-verify which every Company/Agency I have worked for in the last 25 years have voluntary complied with, 2 forms of ID are required. If a job applicant can not provide those then their job application cannot be processed. Additionally since I worked in Real Estate

As the great, great, and a few more greats, grand-daughter of an indentured servant, I want to thank my ancestor and the Country he was brought to for all of the opportunities extended to me and the rest of my family. Hopefully over the generations we have at least partially repaid the opportunity by Military,and

She apparently got the memo on the preferred medical treatment of anxiety disorder, 1.) Aggressively confront the patient, 2.) Dismiss the patient complaints as drug seeking behavior, 3.) Racially charge an already deteriorating interaction, 4.) Make sure the patient sees your prison tattoos so the patient knows you