
Season 2 basically is filled with all-time best Buffy episodes: Innocence, Passion, Becoming Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 are like in the top 5.

That moment you Google "Emma Caulfield and Sarah Michelle Gellar" and learn that Ryan Reynolds and Katie Holmes were offered the Xander and Buffy roles. What?!?!

Did we know that Angel was starting then? David Boreanaz was back for Season 3 Buffy. It's been nearly 20 years since I watched the episodes (dang, I feel old), but somehow Angel-with-a-soul was in hell and Buffy saved him for like a whole season and hid it from the Scooby Gang. And then by season 4, Angel was

Any time I meet a middle school-aged kid I just feel sorry for them. We all deserve awards for getting through that experience.

Never forget… Angel and Darla also sired Pete Campbell.

I really don't get the mass affection for Spike… but I also pretty much stopped watching Buffy around Season 6. Now, I thoroughly enjoyed the Spike and Angel relationship on Angel.

I still remember how much of a shocker it was for Angelus to kill Jenny. His stalking her in Sunnydale High. I remember being certain that she would escape and then … yup, he kills her. Giles got impressively more badass after that moment. He was NOT here for Buffy whining over Angel after that lmao.

Agree! Everyone in my theater was just saying "no" or "oh no" or "nah, not the cops man." It was fascinating considering that usually the cops showing up at the end of a horror film means the threat has passed, but in this case it was like the situation was about to get far worse.

I thought he didn't do it because he thought the cops showed up? He immediately got up and put his hands in the air not realizing it was Rod.

I remember disliking Charmed when it first premiered because I thought it was just a Buffy knockoff.

So Buffy was the first show I ever cried over. It was 1998 (I think) and I was an impressionable/hormonal 12-year-old girl. I'd been watching Buffy since the first season and would record (with a VHS tape, lol) the episodes. So anyway, I was so invested in the Buffy/Angel love story that the moment in the "Becoming,

I know Usher had some random "successes" in some of the 90s teen movies as "background character with a cool line or two," but what was that movie he did about falling for a girl whose dad was in the mafia??? That movie was horrible too. I don't think he starred in another film since.

I thought that Life and Death Brigade sequence was the best thing about the reboot, lol. Far more entertaining than whatever musical play thing they put on.

I know there's a lot of Rory hate, but Lorelai was equally insufferable. Her attitude toward Emily only gets worse with age. My age or the shows age?? Both.

I'm perfectly fine with waiting 10-15 years and doing another reboot as opposed to jumping right back into it now. The idea of Rory raising her kid (maybe in Star's Hollow) and going to her mother, who now has a thriving chain of B&B's, for Chilton money would be cool. And that way, no one is constantly asking

When one tries to dress up white trash. Sorry, not sorry.

Oh man … all the references to my childhood. I enjoyed the first episode, although there's a bit of the two of them in the office that got annoying the further it carried on. But shout out to Mort Crim making an appearance. He looked really good. My family used to watch him and Carmen Harlan all the time.
I haven't

Every president comes out with some type of initiative or plan or bill for more funding for HBCUs… Then Congress basically says no to more funding, or the initiative doesn't quite go the way everyone (particularly the HBCUs) wanted it to, but the whole point is that the president gets a photo op to sign said

They did. In 1991. I was 5. It's making me sad to even think about this.

As long as the Cleveland Browns exist, I continue to have hope that one day my Lions will make it to the glory that is a Super Bowl. I'm not even asking for a win. That's how good you have it Atlanta. I'm asking for even a loss in a Super Bowl… scratch that. Give me a playoff win. Just once in my adult life I want to