
And it looks like she's wearing wedges or heels!

Same thing happens with Poldark… the PBS scenes are cut.

For a hot second I was trying to collect all of the Ommegang Game of Thrones beers and bottles. I think I totally screwed up and missed the last two.

Hoteps invented alternative facts lmao

What was the Lagertha scene?

I don't understand this "downstairs" plot… why is it there? To please the Downton Abbey fans? I didn't like the downstairs plots on that show either. There's so many other intriguing and closer to the truth stories happening with Victoria and the people at court.

I went to wiki to figure that one out too… seems like Ernst was also a potential suitor and got along really well with Victoria, but seems like something changed between her and Albert and he ended up being the main suitor.

The "they are equally bad" people need to be the first ones on the front lines fighting hard to atone. I'm still on the fence about whether the "I wanted Bernie but since we got Hillary I'm not voting or voting Trump" crowd should be atoning with them or not. Fake woke folk.

Seriously.. is La La Land really this good or is Hollywood just full of itself for these types of movies that seem to kowtow to the industry?

In all seriousness, how well should a play about America freeing the tyranny of British rule go over in London???

Man this episode was horrible.

Supposed to get… just one for himself, like he did. Maybe I was just raised differently. I mean you don't have to open doors for others or say "excuse me" when you bump into someone or just be all around courteous. But it's a show of good manners.

They could've saved a lot of money and just not filmed this at all back when Fiennes' was first announced and the world yelled a collective, "NOOOOOOO!" But sure, waste money and time. Not like either had to do with me personally.

I don't follow Michael Che to know, so I need details…

Speaking on that latter point Damon made….

I probably don't follow Sherlock episodes that closely, but what did the Thatcher statues have to do with Mary being a spy and AGRA and what did that have to do with the old woman who killed her??? I always feel like Moffat is trying too hard to be clever (it's the same problem with Sherlock) and a bunch of stuff just

I'm a Type A, OCD about being organized type of person who LOVES The Container Store. My bestie is a Type B, go-with-the-flow/let's-be-spontaneous/hates organization type of person. Anytime we're shopping together she panics if we go into or near a Container store. I love the heck out of that place and she impatiently

Yes! Will do!!!

So I'm sitting here listening to Get Low now on Spotify and low key dancing in my chair at work, and I'm thinking… is it acceptable for me as a 30-year-old (soon to be 31) woman to dance to this in public anymore? I don't think I even go anywhere where this song is played in order to dance to it in public. But I just

You weren't the only one, lol