
People underestimate the greatness of Juvie's Slow Motion.

"Cash Money records takin over for the 99 and the 2000…" those violins (were they violins?) and those words were the amount of time you had to either make it to the dance floor or prepare yourself for a lot of booty shaking at wherever you were. Because once Juvie started…. it was on…

Too Short's Shake that Monkey should at least be considered.

I'm torn, because I'd rather he was faced with living the rest of his natural life in solitary confinement, but he also said he didn't want to die, and I don't want to give him anything he wants.

Cool. So now I have a reason to watch this Star Trek and CBS.

Who is she?

I don't know about the Charlemagne interview, and I definitely don't approve of these photos or the cupcakes, but I do applaud Noah for bringing Tomi Lahren on his show and exposing how empty her arguments are to people like myself who would never watch her show or agree with her views, but understand that these same

I've moved around enough times… four states in less than 10 years that I've never served. Although I did get a summons last year for where I lived in Florida, but it was mailed to my address in Virginia because I had obviously moved by then.

He's not just a threat to LGBTQ community, but women's rights… he's gutted Planned Parenthood funding in Indiana and is extremely anti-abortion.

Every Trump supporter may not be a hardcore racist, but they're okay and comfortable with racism/sexism/xenophobia and in a lot of ways, that's even worse.

I'm like 97% certain this neurosis is why our people suffer from high blood pressure. Because this uncertainty in almost everything we do, leads to anxiety and that anxiety builds up and high blood pressure happens. I'm only 50% joking.

I don't think they mishandled it… I think they showed exactly how a lot of black women would go about the situation. Go straight to your girlfriends and get their opinion. Talk about it with the bestie. Decide for yourself if you're comfortable with it. Molly wasn't comfortable with it and made her decision.

That's the part I don't understand… she went back to Felix for "modifications." What were they? But I still stand by the idea that Felix is an idiot for giving her the ability to ignore his commands. The moment she glitched out in last week's episode when she saw her thought processes on that screen was the moment he

Molly dumping Jared because of his "experimentation" made perfect sense to me. I've had those same conversations with my friend groups multiple times regardless of race. Let's not forget that minority communities have been pretty slow on accepting this type of experimentation with men anyway. Sure, it's a double

It wasn't in his office though. Remember they went to some underground old laboratory to talk about Arnold and Ford said that no one ever went there anymore.

The engineers who work on Maeve are idiots. How in the world do you let an object control you? Especially when you're essentially holding the brain of the object in your hand and can destroy it with the flick of a wrist?

So now that we know for certain that Bernard is a host, it really calls into question what he saw when Ford showed him the photo of what was supposedly "Arnold." Bernard couldn't see "the door" and he could't see blueprints of his own Bernard-robot. Chances are high that whatever he saw in that photo or whatever Ford

Nudity didn't bother me. Barely notice it anymore.

I think there's some of that… But the other parties also don't have platforms that the masses could want to vote in

And to not be too radical. Or to at least have candidates that are viable options. These third party candidates aren't qualified to be school board presidents.